List of Figures

  1. Geographical Distribution
  2. Population Skill Distribution
  3. Pathway from Operations Concept to Models of Behavior/Structure to Requirements
  4. Traceability Mappings for the Development Pathway, Goals/Scenarios through System Evaluation (Source: Austin/Baras [6])
  5. Model and Evaluation of New Development and Impact on Pre-Existing Infrastructure
  6. The Sims$^{\small{TM}}$ Entity Requirements Model
  7. ``Live'' use case diagram.
  8. GeneralClasses Object Model Diagram
  9. Example CellTypes Class Diagram
  10. State Chart Model for Behavior of an Individual
  11. Data Dependencies Among Components in Simulation Framework
  12. Transit use case diagram
  13. Cell Class Diagram
  14. Neighborhood Class Structure
  15. Station Conceptual Model
  16. Transit Simulation Activity Diagram
  17. Arbitrary transit graph used for Verification and Validation. Yellow nodes indicate stations, red nodes indicate waypoints.
  18. System Snapshot in yEd GraphML Viewer
  19. 20-node PRT Triangular Mesh Network
  20. 1D Light-Rail System Connecting Four Neighborhoods`
  21. 1D Light-Rail System Connecting Four Neighborhoods, but with Local and Express Bypass Routes
  22. 2D Hexagonal Cluster
  23. 3D Hexagonal Cluster with Express Bypass Routes
  24. Passenger Transit Time
  25. Passenger Departure Time
  26. Passenger Stops / Transfers
  27. Vehicles In Transit
  28. Vehicle Fleet Utilization
  29. Effect of vehicle size on passenger and fleet performance metrics: a comparison of linear vs. express routing
  30. Effect of station size on passenger and fleet performance metrics: a comparison of linear vs. express routing
  31. Constraint Pooling
  32. Recursive self-similar 2D space-filling Heptree Hierarchy
  33. Notional CDF of vehicle arrivals vs. transit time, based on historical records

List of Abbreviations

CPU Central Processing Unit
GPS Global Positioning System
graphML Graph Markup Language
HCPPT High Capacity Point-to-Point Transit
LP Linear Program
MIP Mixed Integer Program
MPS Mathematical Programming System
OMG Object Management Group
PRT Personal Rapid Transit
RTA Required Time of Arrival
RTD Required Time of Departure
TPS Traveling Salesman Problem
UML Unified Modeling Language
WGS-84 World Geodetic Summit of 1984

Rowin Andruscavage 2007-05-22