
System Behavior

The arcology simulation model is based on a discrete event simulation framework. This means that state changes in the system structure are triggered by the firing of events which occur along a global time line event queue. The model executes by populating the global time queue with scheduled events and firing those events in order. Every time an event is activated, the system global time is advanced to that new time. Any state transitions in the model that were blocking on this event are executed so they can perform their activities, which often result in the scheduling of more events in the future. Thus the simulation perpetuates events and continues in time until there are no more events left on the simulation timeline event queue.

Modeling the Behavior of an Individual

The individual transitions from state to state in their daily activities triggered by these events. A fairly simple schedule could be arranged as follows to implement a state chart representing a typical person's day. The state chart depends on having the right combination of events defined and triggered to advance the individual through the full daily cycle.

Figure 2.8: State Chart Model for Behavior of an Individual
\epsfxsize =5.0truein \centerline{\epsfbox{figures/sc_individual.eps}}

A massive quantity of these individuals independently going through their daily state cycles as indicated by Figure 2.8 would create a load on the system, either by requesting resources that must be delivered to them, as well as moving the individuals themselves about the transit network as required. At the same time, we can poll the history of each individual to collect performance metrics on how well the system can respond to their demands.

Rowin Andruscavage 2007-05-22