pictures : Y1900s : Camping


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22 images

bellybutton [100k]

Jaunt through Shennandoah National Park with my father and a handful of nerds. John's cheap camera wasn't winding film properly, leading to some interesting shots...

bitethumb [15k]

dogspirit [16k]

Storm with a crayfish clinging to her fur, superimposed over a deer she was chasing earlier.



EricTree [13k]

Must have been some pretty powerful spirits he drank...

GuardiansInTheHouseOfTheEvilDead [44k]

GuardiansOfTheHouseOfTheEvilDead [61k]

MadDaev [22k]

MadMeg [22k]

OneFlewOverThe [34k]

What happens when many teenagers and many pneumatic pistols find themselves together in the brush in Alex's West Virginia cabin. Not even the woodpecker doorknocker on the bathroom is spared.


Powered by album script a MarginalHack written by D. Madison Sun Oct 28 11:15:47 2012