Professional Profile
- Comprehensive academic background in ELL, reading, and
administration combined with a record of achievement in
classroom teaching
- Able to effectively prioritize a broad range of
responsibilities in order to consistently meet
- Demonstrated decision-making skills with
problem-solving abilities
- Proven record of collaboration with staff, parents, and
- Experience in curricula and training design, teacher
training, and instruction
- Oral and written fluency in Russian, German,
Spanish languages
The George Washington University, Washington
DC |
- Doctorate program in School Administration and
Policy Studies
- Dissertation:
How does simultaneous
education of an immigrant parent shape the
academic experiences for the secondary school
2012 |
University of Maryland, College
Park |
- Masters degree w/ Certification in TESOL;
2005 |
- Bachelors double degree in German & Spanish;
2000 |
University of Tuebingen, Germany |
1998-1999 |
- Upper-level courses in Germanic studies as
part of an academic exchange program
Washington State Residency Teacher Certification
Endorsements: English Language Learner |
Maryland State Advanced Professional
ESOL PreK-12 | Spanish PreK-12 | German PreK-12 |
Higher Ed Experience
Cascadia College, Bothell, WA
CCF Associate Faculty |
- Taught:
- EF25,35 (English Communications 2|3)
- EF27,37 (Reading 2|3)
- EF29,49,59 (Writing & Grammar 2|4|5)
- EF58 (Listening & Speaking 5)
- EF59 (Writing & Grammar 5)
- ESL09/10,20 (ESL Communications 1|2)
- COLL101 (College Strategies)
- Global Education Committee - helped organize a presentation titled "The New Administration,
Immigration Policy, and Human Rights: The Cascadia Experience"
- Wrote and awarded textbook grant for evening ESL
Renton Technical College, Renton, WA
Associate Dean / Interim Dean of College & Career Pathways (Transitional Studies) |
- Led / supervised 45+ faculty and staff through
pandemic pivot from in-person to fully online
to hybrid instruction.
- Managed $4 million dollar budget comprised
of state funding and federal grants meeting
requirements; wrote two federal grant
applications for over $650k.
- Led department-wide outcome revision process
aligning instruction to College & Career
Readiness Standards.
- Collaborated with other deans and departments
to create bridge program to pipeline students
from the Transitional Studies (English Language
Learners and Basic Studies) into professional
technology programs.
- Migrated department to a newer, larger
classroom building and integrated intake
process with the rest of the college.
- Successfully led department through a 5-year
State Board Monitoring Visit, receiving several
commendations for our level of
- Instituted and led Teaching Triangles
professional development (a non-judgmental peer
observation and reflection).
Cascadia College, Bothell, WA
ELP Associate Faculty |
- Taught:
- ELP010,040 (Reading 1|4)
- ELP021,031,041 (Grammar 2|3|4)
- ELP012,022,032,042,052,062 (Writing 1|2|3|4|5|6)
- ELP024,034,044 (Listening & Speaking 2|3|4)
- ESL010-050 (Multi-Level ESL Communications 1-5)
- COLL101 (College Strategies)
- Textbook Lead for Listening & Speaking
- Academic Coach - supported and provided
counseling to students in danger of a failing.
- Retention FLC Lead - facilitated team of ELP
and IP professionals to research student retention
trends and practices
- CLIP on Retention - conducted a
department-wide study on student retention titled
"To Stay or Not To Stay? Student Perspectives
on Retention"
- COG Revision Team - collaborated on Writing
curriculum for English Language Program
- Teaching & Learning Steering Committee -
designed professional development for faculty
- Mentored student-teacher during their
practicum at Cascadia.
K-12 Experience
Bellevue School District, Bellevue, WA
Literacy Facilitator Stevenson ES |
- Provided professional development on
school-wide, grade-team, and individual basis to
increase teacher capacity.
- Modeled and co-taught lessons in both primary
and intermediate grades focusing on guided reading
and comprehension strategies.
- Served on school leadership and school
improvement teams.
- Co-taught Spanish Club, as an afterschool
class for 4th and 5th grade Spanish heritage
language speakers focusing on strengthening
reading and writing skills.
Prince George's County Public Schools, Upper Marlboro, MD
ESOL Instructional Coach, Charles Carroll MS |
Conducted school-wide and system-wide professional
development workshops for school and county
faculty. Observed classrooms, provided
demonstration lessons, co-taught with classroom
teachers, developed and shared strategies to
increase teacher quality and capacity.
Published quarterly ESOL newsletter to educate the
faculty and parents on progress in the ESOL
department and trends in the ELL field. Created
and maintained Google website and ESOL binder for
dissemination of data and initiatives, FAQs,
relevant research, etc. for schoolteachers
and staff to use to tackle common ESOL issues,
accommodations, and best practices.
Restructured ESOL program to increase student
success that resulted in exiting 40% of ESOL
students (compared to 14% district-wide)
Administered ESOL and MD state assessments,
completed individual accommodation plans.
Developed and implemented school-wide plan
informing parents, staff, and children on
requirements, expectations, and preparation for
standardized assessments.
Analyzed data and presented using Access and Excel
to organize and create a data-driven instructional
plan. Collaborated with administration and other
instructional team leadership to create School
Improvement Plan and developed policies and
procedures to benefit staff and student
ESOL Instructor, Department
Chair, Nicholas Orem MS, Central HS |
- Wrote ESOL Curricula for P.G. County for
ESOL II HS and ESOL I MS ; Combined Language
Arts and ESOL curricula.
- Facilitated School Improvement Plan writing
- Developed student articulation
documentation for future guidance.
- Taught ESOL I, II, III, Language of Math,
Newcomer, gaining practical understanding of
Language Arts standards
- Organized ESOL Performance Night.
- Published The ESOL Newsletter to provide
outlet for student writings and inform parents
of progress.
- Produced class movie based on
Monsters on
Maple Street
ESOL Intervention Specialist, Nicholas Orem MS, Central HS |
- Facilitated parent / teacher
- Designed ESOL class and student schedules.
- Mentored new teachers through Job-Alike
Mentor Program.
- Student involvement: print & digital student
publications; multicultural events.
- Conducted Parent Evening Programs & student counseling.
ESOL Elementary Instructor, Gaywood ES |
- Collaborated with classroom teachers to
develop optimal differentiated instruction for
English Language Learners in mainstream classrooms
supporting 2nd - 5th
- Developed course curriculum and taught graduate
level for-credit course to Prince George's County
mainstream teachers:
Teaching Reading and Writing to English
Language Learners.
German Teacher, Central HS, Eleanor Roosevelt HS |
- Taught German I-V, IB/AP in multilevel
classroom environments spanning grades 9-12.
- Sponsor for German Honor Society, Exchange
Program, and Fairy Tale Night.
Spanish Teacher, Eleanor Roosevelt HS |
- Taught 6 Spanish I & II classes spanning
grade levels 9-12.
- Sponsor for Spanish Honor Society & Class of 2004
Other Teaching Experience
Adult ESOL Instructor,
Gaywood ES, Seabrook, MD
- Designed and taught basic English course to
adult parents to increase parent involvement and
educational achievement of their children.
TESOL University Supervisor,
University of Maryland, College Park,
- Conducted biweekly observations of UMCP TESOL
student teachers during their first year of
internship stationed in several PG County public
- Served as liaison between school officials and
UMCP program office.
- Collaborated with mentor teachers to provide
individualized support and guidance.
- Provided formative and summative assessment for
each intern.
Adjunct ESOL Faculty,
Howard Community College, Columbia,
- Taught Basic Writing course for adults,
emphasizing computer literacy.
Adult Education Outreach ESOL Instructor,
Broad Acres ES, Adelphi, MD
- Taught ESOL to a group of adult Hispanic and
Vietnamese students. Used Laubach Method to help
the students feel more comfortable with the
English tongue.
Marshak, S., Tekleselassi, A., & Swayze, S. (2015).
The Simultaneous Education of an Immigrant Parent and Secondary School Child.
Educational Policies and Current Practices, 2(1), 1-17.
Marshak, S. (2007).
Советы родителям по сохранению наследственного языка
[Suggestions to parents on retaining the child's heritage language].
Русский Язык в США: Научно-Методический Сборник, 1, 90-98.
2019 TESOL Conference,
Atlanta, GA
To Stay or Not To Stay? Student Perspectives on Retention
2014 AERA Conference,
Philadelphia, PA
How does simultaneous education of an immigrant
parent shape the academic experiences for the
secondary school child?
2013 TESOL Conference,
Dallas, TX
Parents attending school... how does it impact their children?
2012 TESOL Conference,
Philadelphia, PA
Teacher Voices: Plug-in vs. Pull-out
2011 Maryland TESOL
Conference, Towson, MD
2011 WATESOL Conference,
Gaithersburg, MD
How long is too long? A Review of Literature on Long
Term ELLs
2010 ESRI, Washington DC
How does simultaneous education of an immigrant
parent shape the academic experiences for the
secondary school child?
Northstar Middle School, Kirkland WA
History of the English Language: workshop and
activities exploring the shared origin of Indo-European
languages and how it influences our lives and world
views today.
Consultant for Berkeley County, WV public school
Train the Trainer Workshop: Created and delivered
seminar for teachers and educational professionals
on Cultural Sensitivity and Differentiation of
Instruction for ESOL Students.
Professional Memberships
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- National TESOL
- National Association of Bilingual
Education (NABE)
- WAESOL (Washington State)
- WATESOL (Washington DC regional)
- Maryland TESOL
2010 - 2011Maryland TESOL Secretary
2011 - 2012Webmaster & Membership Chair