How to play GNOME 3D Tetris



gno3dtet is a 3-dimensional Tetris clone. The world of the game is seen from the top. Different pieces fall from the top, pile up on the bottom and build layers of cubes. The player can control the piece position but the fall is inevitable. The game is lost when there isn't enough room for the next piece to appear. The only way to free space is to order the pieces on the bottom in order to complete layers (i.e. without holes) A completed layer disappears from the world. All the layers above fall down to fill up the free space.

The aim of the game is to play as long as possible, and thus enter the Hall Of Fame with a sufficient high score. The game speed increases with time.

The score increases when a piece reaches the bottom, and depends on the following parameters:


q, a: X-axis rotations
w, s: Y-axis rotations
e, d: Z-axis rotations
arrows: moves
[space]: piece fall
n: toggle next piece view
p: toggle game pause


Type gno3dtet --help for command line options.

The -t option sets the time delay in milliseconds between 2 frames. Default is set up to 30. Increasing this value will make the game slower but more constant. Descreasing this value will make the game faster (only if your computer can handle it) but may also make the game flickier. So this value is dependant of your hardware. A value between 10 and 30 is a good choice.


 Enjoy !