Title of dissertation:
Rowin Andruscavage
Master of Science, 2007
Directed by:
Associate Professor Mark Austin
Department of Civil/Environmental Engineering
and Institute for Systems Research
Arcology design combines urban planning and architecture with the mechanics of
ecology, presenting a tangled mixture of functions, ideals, and goals well suited for systems
engineering analysis. The physical design of an arcology would encompass the creation of a
“hyperstructure” that delivers utility and transportation infrastructure in a highly integrated
compact package that parcels out plots for residential, commercial, industrial, and municipal
uses. This thesis defines and describes a prototype simulation framework that some day
might be used to execute and evaluate intelligent demand-responsive multimodal mass transit
schemes that would serve as an urban circulatory system, contributing to the effectiveness of
an urban complex. Given a set of connected nodes serviced by different fleets of vehicles, a
global optimizer attempts to generate a coordinated fleet schedule that meets various demand
patterns. Factorial design of experiments and parametric analysis on the resulting simulated
performance data of several simplified 1D and 2D scenarios help identify significant system

design variables, including the number and size of the vehicle fleet, station configuration,
transit network topology, as well as the initial distribution of travel demand between station
nodes. The open-ended formulation of this framework can allow analysis of different optimal
modes of operation depending upon the properties of the scenario. This tool explores the
effectiveness of transit-oriented design paradigms supporting arcologies and other urban

Rowin Andruscavage
Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the
University of Maryland, College Park in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science
Advisory Committee:
Associate Professor Mark Austin, Chair/Advisor
Professor John Baras
Professor Hani Mahmassani

c Copyright
Rowin Andruscavage

Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
1 Introduction
Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inspiration for Arcology Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Modeling and Design of Urban Environments
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Simulation and Optimization of Urban Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scope and Contributions of this Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Generic Arcology System Model
Model of Systems Engineering Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Concept Development
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Transportation Infrastructure Overlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System Performance/Measures of Effectiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Framework for Arcology Simulation and Analysis
Simulation Tool Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Simulation System Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Simulation System Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Model Validation Against an Actual System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Multimodal Mass Transit Simulation

Framework Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Concept Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mass Transit System Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mass Transit System Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Analysis of Sample Transportation Scenarios
Verification of Simulation Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Simulation Requirements Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Validation of Analysis Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sample Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scenario Performance Data and Histograms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Parametric Analysis
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
6 Conclusions and Future Work
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

List of Figures
Population Skill Distribution
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Geographical Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pathway from Operations Concept to Models of Behavior/Structure to Re-
quirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Traceability Mappings for the Development Pathway, Goals/Scenarios through
System Evaluation (Source: Austin/Baras6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Model and Evaluation of New Development and Impact on Pre-Existing In-
frastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The SimsTM Entity Requirements Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Live” use case diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GeneralClasses Object Model Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Example CellTypes Class Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
State Chart Model for Behavior of an Individual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Data Dependencies Among Components in Simulation Framework . . . . . .
Transit use case diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cell Class Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Neighborhood Class Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Station Conceptual Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Transit Simulation Activity Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Arbitrary transit graph used for Verification and Validation. Yellow nodes
indicate stations, red nodes indicate waypoints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System Snapshot in yEd GraphML Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

20-node PRT Triangular Mesh Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1D Light-Rail System Connecting Four Neighborhoods‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
1D Light-Rail System Connecting Four Neighborhoods, but with Local and
Express Bypass Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
2D Hexagonal Cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
3D Hexagonal Cluster with Express Bypass Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Passenger Transit Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Passenger Departure Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.10 Passenger Stops / Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.11 Vehicles In Transit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
5.12 Vehicle Fleet Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
5.13 Effect of vehicle size on passenger and fleet performance metrics: a comparison
of linear vs. express routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
5.14 Effect of station size on passenger and fleet performance metrics: a comparison
of linear vs. express routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Constraint Pooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Recursive self-similar 2D space-filling Heptree Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Notional CDF of vehicle arrivals vs. transit time, based on historical records

List of Abbreviations
Central Processing Unit
Global Positioning System
Graph Markup Language
High Capacity Point-to-Point Transit
Linear Program
Mixed Integer Program
Mathematical Programming System
Object Management Group
Personal Rapid Transit
Required Time of Arrival
Required Time of Departure
Traveling Salesman Problem
Unified Modeling Language
World Geodetic Summit of 1984

Chapter 1
1.1 Purpose
Arcology design combines urban planning and architecture with the mechanics of
ecology, essentially forming a dense but ideally independently sustainable human habita-
tion system. The complexity posed by these systems is well-suited for systems engineering
From a historical perspective, arcologies are mostly the subject of science fiction. In
a typical scenario, the principles of arcology development are applied to the design of self-
contained habitats, where the major challenge lies in finding ways for large groups of people
to tolerate living in close proximity to one another. In addition to maximizing quality of life
for its residents, the arcology needs to limit consumption of land, energy, time, and human
resources. Achieving an appropriate balance in these (often competing) criteria requires that
designers look beyond maximization of personal productivity and/or economic performance,
and explicitly consider relationships among all factors affecting system functionality, perfor-
mance, and resource consumption. The common characteristics of “good design solutions”
(1) Retrofit of present-day urban sprawls with large three-dimensional integrated urban

forms (i.e., municipal hyperstructures),
(2) Extensive use of multi-functional spaces, and
(3) Use of sophisticated transportation networks and systems to transfer of people and
resources (e.g., power and water) between spaces.
Present-day trends in population growth and urbanization suggest that as time marches
forward, spearheading ideas associated with arcology development will only become more
important. To put this observation on a quantitative footing, we first note that as of July
2006, the World’s population is 6.5 billion (and growing annually at 1.14%). Since 1900
there has been a significant movement of the World’s population to urban areas, growing
from 14% in 1900 to approximately 50% in 2000. The United Nations reports that by 2030,
not only will 60% of the worlds population be urban, but nearly all of the anticipated growth
will be urban growth.?
Rural-to-urban area migration is driven by a number of factors including: (1) the
declining importance of agriculturally-based economies, (2) improved opportunity for access
to services, and (3) improved opportunities that urban areas provide for specialization (when
people congregate in urban areas they can specialize to a much greater extent than in rural
areas46). Rural-to-urban area migration is enabled by access to housing and the ability
of communication and transportation networks to form in response to supply and demand
mechanisms. The latter is especially important because in order for the operation of high-
population urban areas to be sustainable, efficient modes of transportation are needed to
transport goods and people throughout the arcology.

From the earliest days of transportation infrastructure development, new transporta-
tion networks – initially railway, then road – were ultimately built to increase the value of
the land surrounding the network.? Road and rail access stimulates urban growth, which
in turn drives the need for more network development. Clearly, this cycle cannot continue
forever. It is reasonable to expect that since land is a limited resource, its value will only
increase at faster and faster rates as the worlds population increases. Since fewer and fewer
people will have the economic means to migrate to sprawling (low-density) urban areas, high-
density urban area will become more common. Thus, it may only be a matter of decades
until modeling techniques tailored toward the needs of arcologies and/or other forms of well-
integrated compact cities become common place. Early indicators of this outcome can be
found in experimental prototypes for sustainable living (e.g., BioSphere 23) and long-term
plans for dense sustainable communities and major city structures in East Asia.12,23,24,44,45
Project Objectives
This thesis defines and describes a simulation framework for the execution of opti-
mized demand-responsive multimodal mass transit schemes, such as those found in complex
urban environments. Attention is focused on resident and employer needs (i.e., shuttling
passengers from their source stations to their destination stations.) By measuring the perfor-
mance of various solutions, we aim to determine effective strategies for efficiently transferring
people to their destinations in relation to input parameters such as demand, transit network
topology, and the relative size(s) of the vehicles used in the fleet. This framework also al-

lows us to experiment with different urban planning layouts and to investigate relationships
between services provided by data networks and transportation networks. For example, if
a city decides to spend money upgrading their data infrastructure so more people might be
able to telecommute to work, then this may have a critical impact on the load on their mass
transit system.
While the simulation and optimization models are certainly generic enough to apply
to most ordinary forms of mass transit, for two reasons this project chooses to frame models
in the in the context of an arcology. First, the word “arcology” still remains rather unique
in the global namespace of the engineering field, and connotes a flair for futurism. More
importantly, the design focus of arcologies as an autonomous structure encourages us to
analyze it in terms of control volumes, defining the flows of input and output products in
ways much more conducive to identifying resource consumption and environmental impact.
While the concept of analysis via the definition of control volumes may come naturally to
engineers trained in thermodynamics, it is refreshing to see efforts emerging to track our
“carbon footprint” as part of a global carbon dioxide emissions budget. Hopefully this step
will preclude more complete tracking and accounting (and eventually optimization) of human
environmental resource use and waste reclamation.
1.2 Inspiration for Arcology Modeling
It all goes back to the meaning of life, doesn’t it? Humans spend inordinate amounts
of time looking for love or money or happiness, always trying to get the most out of life - in

Current Interfaces
Potential Future Interfaces
Driveway, Parking, Mailbox
Driveway, Automated Package Trans-
Electricity, Gas, Water, Sewage
Electricity, HVAC, Fuel (Gas, Hydro-
gen), Water, Sewage
Wired Communication
Copper / Fiber medium for Telephone,
Junction Box, redundant trunks
Cable TV, Internet
Wireless Communication
Broadcast Radio/TV, Cellular phone
distributed cellular mobile ad-hoc net-
/ data networks, Satellite, WiFi access
works with repeaters for inside recep-
Table 1.1: Municipal home interfaces
essence optimizing our existence in some fashion. The optimization part is where simulation
can be a useful tool, as we often disagree on what infrastructure improvements we could make
in order to make us happier or richer or work not so far from our loved ones. For all the
aspirations we’ve had over the decades of reaching for the stars and developing permanent
space colonies, I’m surprised by the relatively little success we’ve had in improving the
efficiency of our lifestyles in our dwellings right here on Earth. As summarized in Table
1.1, the ideal American domicile still typically consists of the single family home, an almost
completely isolated pocket of land connected to the rest of the community only by a few
wires, pipes, and a stretch of pavement. What goes across these interfaces? And how might
they be improved and rearranged by municipal facilities to make the city as a whole more
sustainable, flexible, and efficient?
As a first step toward understanding these complexities, let us note that living systems
seem to have a natural tendency to miniaturize complexity, both in space and time. A
mathematician might draw the analogy that we live on the interesting boundary region
of a fractal, often surrounded by vast regions of fairly uniform space. While the sun and

stars and most of the universe are beautiful and magnificent only when observed on a scale
spanning thousands to trillions of kilometers, I’d surmise that they are not as interesting
when studied on a micrometer scale used to observe, say, the inner workings of a paramecium.
That’s one of the main reasons that, as astronomers, we might search the heavens for deeper
understanding of celestial mechanics, but hope to discover other forms of complex alien life.
For we could only have hope to interact with other living systems of sufficient complexity
that exist on a similar space and time scale as we do. Meanwhile, the progression of life on
Earth as a whole apparently strives to fit more and more complexity into the spaces it is
able to fill.
If we drew a control volume around an ecosystem, we’d find that it functions as an
engine that harnesses existing energy gradients in order to further decrease the entropy of
its local area.25 Through continuing that progress, we’ve begun to expand the boundaries
between which objects of vastly different scales can interact. Lately we’ve been peering into
the inner workings of relatively tiny, fast computing devices, which will soon be governed
increasingly by subatomic interactions between quantum particles, which in turn affect what
we do with our lives and our global economy. That’s amazing. Someday soon, we also
expect that the tiny electrical processes that occur in our microchips may go on to help us
alter the courses of celestial bodies, perhaps to allow us to produce some kind of pronounced
impact (or avoid an impact) in the cosmic ballet of planets. But for now, one of our primary
(although not yet fully utilized) uses for our microprocessing technology often is the guidance
of the course of our vehicles and information delivery systems.

Influential Literature
The specific concept of the arcology was first introduced in the 1950s by architect
Paolo Soleri as the ultimate urban planning solution to the inherent problems of metropolitan
growth.42 Continuing trends in the expansion of metropolitan areas have contributed to
explosive growth of low density suburban sprawl, the decay of inner city urban areas, and
finally the indiscriminate destruction of natural environments to make room for a human
habitat system which is increasingly less efficient, less convenient, less and aesthetically
pleasing. The concept of the arcology attempts to reverse those trends by providing a
compact city infrastructure that works well and manages to reprocess most of its waste
before returning material back to the environment for further reclamation.
What exactly is an arcology by definition? Featured in several science fiction works
as futuristic cities, an arcology is more than simply just a colossal structure or superbuilding.
The arcology integrates living spaces and working spaces with transportation systems that
connect it all together. One of the fundamental differences between arcologies and conven-
tional cities is the emphasis on the effective use of the vertical dimension in city planning. An
arcology design would strive to make use of several independent but functionally intertwined
layers or horizontal planes, whereas current urban planning focuses more on flat zoning of
commercial / residential / industrial areas through processes that result in a more ad hoc
placement based on the situational needs and political landscape at the time. Another dis-
tinguishing characteristic is the arcology’s roots in urban agriculture, meaning deliberate
collection and reprocessing of waste byproducts. The arcology might simply be described

as what a city would look like if it was designed from the start by competent systems en-
gineers, incorporating modular growth packages, standardized by upgradable interconnects,
and fault tolerant, serviceable components. Of course, this feat is easier said than done,
but the basic architectural core building blocks and modular techniques have been around.
Meanwhile, the fact that the construction of many large city buildings has gradually been
consolidated into one or two large developers means that a single party can finally expect to
see gains through the extra effort of standardization.
In 1978 George Dantzig and Thomas Saaty (fathers of Linear Programming and the
Analytic Hierarchy Process, respectively) got together to write Compact City,17 providing a
compelling vision on how this human habitat could work from a technical standpoint. This
fascinating book contemplates the feasibility of constructing a livable city of between 1 mil-
lion to 2 million residents within a 2-4 square mile, 4-8 level cylindrical superstructure. Their
proposal addresses many social and financial factors as well as provides major engineering
design elements and outlines the major systems and physical characteristics of their ideal
proposed layout.
The Modern Metropolis consists of a series of Hans Blumenfeld’s essays and articles on
urban growth versus urban planning.10 These treatises generalize how cities have developed
and evolved over the decades and centuries, and suggests some design principles for sustaining
growth over time. These insights into how to cope with the forces that incrementally shape
cities and inevitably stress them beyond their initially planned limits reinforce some of the
ideas for flexibility provided by Dantzig and Saaty’s design.

Arcologies in the Media
A good experiment in closed-system sustainability is Biosphere 2.3 Unfortunately,
its primary experiment was widely regarded by the public as a failure.11,40 The facility has
since come under the management of Columbia University as a research lab.
The closest present-day developments resembling arcologies are scattered around the
world in various stages of completion. The truest in spirit of arcology projects in existence
would include Arcosanti and Cosanti, the experimental communities arranged by architect
and founding father of the ”Arcology” concept Paolo Soleri himself.2 These reduced scale
experiments in the Arizona desert are currently reported to be hovering around 5% complete
after 30 years of development. Like the Biosphere 2, these developments have shifted their
focus into acting as urban laboratories.30
While this apparent lack of enthusiasm and resounding success paints a somewhat
bleak outlook, the influence of these spearheading projects is definitely spreading. Large
scale proposals have been cropping up more frequently, especially in population-dense Asia.
Predictably, the Chinese have a keen interest in the arcology concept, both for expanding
high-density urban areas,24 and also in the form of constructing sustainable communities that
would address their growing problem with semi-rural slums.45 Several Chinese and Japanese
design firms have been promoting various skyscraper approaches, such as the Ultima Tower,44
Tokyo’s Sky City,12 and the on-hold Tokyo Millennium Tower23 (the latter two are covered
in Discovery Channel documentaries18,19). Arcology.com has a collection of other notable
works and proposals.1

While excitement about radically redesigning urban forms hasn’t quite taken off in
practice, other environmentally-friendly initiatives have taken its place. Several publications
focus more on modifying the design goals of current city planners to incorporate more alter-
native forms of transportation. The book and accompanying website Carfree Cities presents
several concepts and examples that make urban areas more pedestrian, biker, and transit
friendly.15,16 Most contemporary urban revitalization works take this track of advocating
increased use of multimodal transportation in current city design to cope with the strains
of present-day metropolitan area growth. Many formerly suburban towns have already been
pursuing more pragmatic policies encouraging higher-density mixed-use development. These
philosophies go under the monikers of “New Urbanism”, “Smart Growth”, and “Transit Ori-
ented Design/Development”. For example, following successes in implementing this pattern
in the Washington DC metropolitan areas of in Rosslyn and Silver Spring,20 plans are un-
derway to build higher density mixed-use population centers off of existing transit stations
in Vienna36,38 and to extend transit to existing office and residential spaces in Tysons Cor-
ner.22,34 We’ll likely see more of this type of development in the near future, especially
seeing as how the Supreme Court has recently ruled to allow private homes to be seized for
mixed use and other commercial development.5 However, in his article “The Compact City
Fallacy”, Neuman defines how and cautions that higher density and other Smart Growth
policies alone will not guarantee that we will meet the goals of sustainable development or
even achieve progress relative to previous development patterns.32

1.3 Modeling and Design of Urban Environments
What makes a city special compared to a cluster of businesses and residences? Hans
Blumenfeld10 argues that a metropolitan area attracts corporations and residents with highly
specialized skill sets. Also, as the population grows, a wider variety of niche businesses can
sprout up and sustain themselves while catering to a relatively small segment of the market.
So by this consideration, a good metropolitan area draws businesses and populations to it
by maximizing the diversity and variety of specialized skills and jobs. See Figure 1.1 for a
visual summary of these trends. A larger, more developed metropolitan area (represented
by the green shaded area extending out from the smaller blue shaded area) would have
more positions requiring advanced degrees, as well as offer more variety in terms of ethnic
restaurants, specialized services, etc.
Geographically, as cities grow in population, they often grow “outwards” in area
before they growing “upwards” in density. As noted in Figure 1.2, this typically follows a
pattern of “fingers of development” that grow outwards from the urban core along established
transportation corridors such as highways or waterways. The result is that most metropolitan
areas eventually become victims of their own success. Drawing a more diverse and skilled
population eventually increases their geographical size towards a point where a resident of
the city can no longer access all of the resources the urban area has to offer due to congestion.

Figure 1.1: Population Skill Distribution
Figure 1.2: Geographical Distribution

The Role of Transportation Networks in Urban Environments
Most of our interactions with the urban environment that we live in, such as going
to work, catching a bite to eat, buying groceries, or ironically even going out for a hike,
involve transportation and delivery networks. These systems take many forms, ranging from
various ground, air, and subterranean transit networks to power, water, and even information
distribution pipelines that feed directly into each of our homes. Much of this infrastructure
is put in place with funding or regulation from government agencies at national, state, and
local levels. During times of rapid modernization, traditional governments can be a bit slow
in figuring out what infrastructure to invest in.
Urban Design from a Systems Perspective
An advantage to designing cities from the complete-systems perspective of an arcology
is that it forces you to take all scale levels – national, metropolitan, urban, neighborhood,
personal – into account in the design. This would allow the arcology to transition better
as new technologies evolve and are put into place. The physical aspect of an arcology
is predicated on a municipal “hyperstructure” which could be sectioned off for residential,
commercial, industrial, and civic use. The sectional lots would have tightly integrated people
and package transportation in addition to the standard complement of water, utilities, and
a more minimal road network.
On the national level, arcologies would be constructed to connect well to other
cities, with effective transportation and distribution systems and quick transit times to most

major destinations. Current cities tend to have suboptimal transportation facilities. Many
cities originally sprouted up around ports by major waterways, where maritime shipping
accounts for over 90% of the tonnage of U.S. international imports and exports.26 However,
domestically we move freight predominantly by truck.4 The United States has invested
heavily in the interstate highway system. Around many cities these get tied up in rush
hour congestion, resulting in delays and waste throughout. High speed rail is an option that
works well in most of the rest of the industrialized world, but has languished in America.
Airports are usually built too far from the city to connect easily to mass transit systems,
and eventually get enveloped (and subsequently throttled) by suburban growth after which
they become a noise nuisance to residents.
On the metropolitan level, rush hour congestion itself is an abomination that any
commuter would readily identify with. We must look terribly silly to outsiders, repeatedly
stressing our transit infrastructure past the capacity limit where it ceases to be effective. We
tend to want to commute simultaneously simply to be in sync with everyone else - even those
whom we don’t even need to deal with during the workday. Dantzig and Saaty have dubbed
this phenomenon as “cicadian rhythms” and have noted that it also applies to water and
energy utility usage. They have outlined the very simple remedy of staggering a population’s
daily schedules, which is attainable once a community reaches a sufficient size to support
commercial staffing arrangements into several shifts.
The U.S. metropolitan growth paradigm of roughly the last half-century has been
characterized by suburbanization. Affordable housing seems to be in such short supply and

fuel prices had been so low that many chose to commute into job centers from suburban
or exurban towns 30, 60, 90 miles away. Financial policies strongly encourage citizens to
purchase homes and enter into mortgage agreements. This provides economic stability in the
workforce, helping to affix them down in a geographic area and ensure they stay gainfully
employed to keep up with mortgage payments. However, in today’s increasingly unstable
job market, this policy can have adverse effects as a workforce with impaired mobility will
not have as much flexibility to take on employment that maximizes use of their skills.
So as more massive superhighways are built to relieve the strain on the original
interstate connectors, more suburbanites continue to sprawl out along these new corridors.
After a certain point, the ratio of space allocated between highways and developable, livable
area becomes saturated to the point where we get diminishing returns from building more
roadways. High capacity highways take up a lot of space relative to streets, and when we
start to pack those highways close together, we end up spreading out actual useful land into
isolated pockets nestled between interchanges. Looking down on our cities from above, we’d
find that most have more land area allocated to paved roadways for cars to drive across than
space for humans to go about their affairs.32
To their credit, automobiles are certainly the most flexible mode of transportation.
All you need is a slab of pavement or even gravel connected to the nearest street, and you
now have an interface to the “intercontinental road transportation network”. Compared to
the equipment you’d need to interface with the municipal power grid or water/sewer lines,
this slip of asphalt is likely one of the simplest yet most capable ways of moving people

and products to and from your home. However, when be build cities almost exclusively
around automotive transport, we end up losing a lot of what makes dense cities good for
people and sustainable for the environment. Cars act as a multiplier to the amount of space
each person takes up. Not only do you need a driveway space to park each person’s car at
their home, but also a space reserved at their work, as well as some shared spaces at all
of the shops and venues at which they’d possibly spend time. Add to this the ganglia of
roads connecting those parking spaces together, shoulders for emergencies, extra lanes for
additional peak capacity, and of course spacious service stations, and we find that our cities
have vastly outgrown the human scale. A transit-oriented city would provide more land use
for people by introducing transit alternatives that allow them to travel between home and
work from door-to-door. Park-and-Ride initiatives connecting to mass transit accomplishes
little in regards to improving land utilization, since they do not eliminate parking spaces,
only relocate them further away from the workplace. In an urban complex with sufficient
transit, people should only need to use (or borrow) cars to leave the city, and rely on transit
to move people and goods within the city.
As the urban area grows, we attempt to preserve an ideal population density while
also preserving the practical reach of the transit system to prevent fragmenting the city.
For civic planning authorities, this traditionally involves zoning and building out roads and
utilities. At some point along the city’s growth, they might consider the efficiencies of
building infrastructure based on a futuristic arcology hyperstructure in order to meet their
urban development goals in a compact physical package.

On the personal level most home infrastructure for living does not have much
flexibility for change. We are still using much of the same basic physical interfaces developed
over a century ago for power and voice communications. Additional systems have sprouted
on top of and alongside these networks, such as DSL over existing telephone wiring, cable
television, and various wireless and satellite networks. Add to that various combinations of
buried water mains, sewage systems, natural gas pipelines, and perhaps we might begin to
appreciate the need for developing more flexible and maintainable utility distribution and
interconnect standards. The new standard interconnects would provide room for expansion
and serviceability, supporting the adoption of emerging new infrastructure networks and
allow easier retrofit of older homes and living spaces. Such standards help reduce the barriers
to market entry, allowing economical deployments of upgrades such as fiber-to-the-premises
or even some things for which markets haven’t really been created for yet, such as the fully-
automated package delivery systems or centralized HVAC services referred to by Dantzig
and Saaty.17
1.4 Simulation and Optimization of Urban Environments
Simulation of Operational Concepts
Simulation is one tool that can help quantify the benefits of different operational con-
cepts, which in turn can help answer questions about design options. A common engineering
practice is to first document and construct a baseline validated simulation of the system
you have in place, then extend the simulation with new proposals for changes to equipment

or operation. After analysts have evaluated the performance benefits projected by differ-
ent options, engineers could make a decision, implement the change, and then re-validate
the simulation to make sure their model matches the performance of the modified actual
system. Unfortunately, few municipalities maintain validated simulated representations of
their jurisdictions, much less use them as decision making tools, deferring more towards the
use of surveys and standalone analytical teams. Building such a tool would not only give
them better access to information about the physical arrangement and performance of their
existing town, but could also be used as a “vision communication tool” to the populace in
order to cut down on some of the arguments and political delays.
Simulation as a Decision Support Tool
Several initiatives are currently underway to rethink the way metropolitan areas are
designed. This simulation modeling and analysis framework can provide a design planning
and evaluation tool to assess several integrated mass transit paradigms such as busing,
rail, and PRT-type (personalized rapid transport) networks to help identify and accelerate
acceptance of the worthwhile investments.
The use of simulation as a decision-support tool could provide a measure of account-
ability that would help avoid or at least temper some of the larger controversies over the
past century of rapid technological change. The history of our infrastructure has been pep-
pered with some epic and ultimately costly battles over different modes of transfer, such
as the turn of the century Edison - Tesla battle to establish AC or DC as the power de-

livery standard27 or the politicized finger pointing over whether GM was duly responsible
for taking control of streetcar operations in the 20s in order to dismantle them in favor of
GM-manufactured buses.14,41 Having detailed records of the simulations used to provide
hard data on which broad policy decisions are based could help justify your decision later.
With more exotic options pushed by several technology firms, we ought to determine the
selection of major communications upgrades or transit systems based on available technical
data, and not on which company has the best connections to the civil servants responsible
for municipal decision making.
Ultimately, if this were to evolve into a fully-featured urban simulation tool, it could
be used as a rapid prototyping environment for proposals to system changes big and small.
When this functionality matures, a municipality might require a simulation-based analysis
to accompany any new infrastructure proposal as part of a gateway approval process. As
standard patterns are built up, the simulation framework may morph into a design tool, re-
plete with a library of openly available blueprints, guidelines, and standards (as well as freely
customizable sections) to that can be assembled to achieve development goals. Furthermore,
as the process becomes automated, it might incorporate more direct civil input, turning
review and evaluation of problem areas and proposals into something of an experiment with
direct digital democracy governance, in which the citizens can interact as something like a
hive mind. Or so goes the vision.

Urban Simulation in the Media
Previous well-known works that tackle the task of urban simulation includes two series
of open-ended games from Maxis (now part of Electronic Arts) that approach the problem
from different scales: SimCity and The Sims. Certain versions of SimCity (2000 and 3000)
even had actual arcology units in them (although since they were entirely self-contained,
they really added little to the game play other than to provide an easy way to boost your
population tax base). To some extent, these games could be used to experiment with differ-
ent urban or residence layouts, but they primarily pattern themselves after common current
day paradigms and lack the flexibility needed to really turn its simulated environment into
useful data. Hopefully these games will serve to influence the next generations of urban
planners and administrators, who might come to expect and demand some of the stream-
lined user interfaces to command, control, and instantaneous reporting of city condition and
resources. Beyond that, there is not much published in the way of complete city and/or
lifestyle simulation. This might be the case partly because most analysis can simply be done
on spreadsheets using historical data tracked by government agencies, and partly because
most simulation programmers are still busy developing their craft while simulating more
interesting things such as data31 and transportation networks.33
Optimization of Mass Transit Operations
The purpose of the optimization tool embedded within the simulation is to provide
some measure of intelligence that could demonstrate an advanced, demand-responsive mod-

eling scheme. We’d use this flexibility to investigate the potential effectiveness of various
mass transit paradigms, especially with regards to network topologies and their ability to
1. The distribution of various loads generated by work nodes and residential nodes.
2. The size and connectivity constraints of various shared vehicle networks shuttling people
and goods between nodes.
3. The ability for the passengers and cargo to make transfers between different vehicles as
well as modes of transit.
Applying a schedule optimizer ensures that we evaluate different transit paradigms on a level
playing field. Different transit schemes utilizing rail, bus, and PRT styles of vehicle sizes and
routing will get a fair shake at providing the maximum theoretical performance possible given
the same physical construction constraints. Each mode of transit will have some measure
of routing intelligence that should reflect the optimization computing power that should
become more pervasive in the near future. They would all operate with the benefit of an
intelligent central dispatch that characteristic of advanced transportation systems. System
operators will have the freedom to direct their fleet about the network and pick up, transfer,
and drop off groups of passengers as necessary to meet passenger demand as quickly and
efficiently as possible with their existing resources. Mass transit vehicle fleets will only be
subject to the physical constraints of vehicle passenger capacity, station berth / terminal /
gate capacity, and the existence of connective links between stations.

1.5 Scope and Contributions of this Work
This research and development project serves to realize an urban multi-modal tran-
sit simulation designed during the course of the systems engineering master’s program. The
work takes a systems approach to modeling human habitats and the transportation networks
that keep them running. The hope is that such a simulation framework will create a baseline
model of current day capacity, against which future models may be evaluated with respect
to performance and investment decisions. The hypothesis of this work is that these tools
will be instrumental in making a case for the development and construction of highly effi-
cient arcologies or other forms of well-integrated compact cities. But nominally, and for the
meantime, urban multi-modal transportation frameworks can be applied to the evaluation
and tracking of present-day transit oriented growth philosophies.
Chapter 2 describes the formulation of a generic arcology system model – the result
is a series of conceptual templates represented as classes and relationships among classes.
Chapter 3 covers many of the practical details one needs to consider in creating discrete
event simulation environments. Chapter 4 is all about the specific commuting transit sys-
tem model analyzed in this work. Chapter 5 contains simulation scenarios, factorial design
of experiments, and parametric analyses for various mass-transit topologies. The project
conclusions and opportunities for future work are covered in Chapter 6.
Contributions. The contributions of this work are as follows:
1. A hierarchical level-of-detail organization that allows data from both top-down paramet-

ric models to interact with data generated from clusters of detailed simulation objects.
This allows us to seed detailed objects in a subsystem using available aggregate data
from the live system, and compare the live results to data generated by tallying up
the individual contributions from individual simulation objects. The hierarchical or-
ganization also makes the simulation easier to partition across distributed compute
2. Definition of a data interchange schema between elements of a multi-modal transit
infrastructure. The communication provides just enough information about each piece
of passenger, cargo, vehicle , and connectivity graphs and defines minimal interfaces
to allow them to report to and receive suggestions from a global transit optimization
3. An inherent focus on meeting the needs and goals of the inhabitants. Many trans-
portation simulations focus on maximizing throughput or minimizing delays or fuel
expenditure. However, these metrics may not serve to help evaluate the layout of the
urban area itself. This simulation infrastructure would ideally be used to measure
the effectiveness of optimizing the layout of an urban area to reduce the need to load
the transit infrastructure with commuters, people running petty errands, and other
frequent but necessary tasks.
An ideal city would have a higher “efficiency” ratio, tracked by an admittedly some-
what elusive “productivity” metric divided by the amount of energy directly needed
to produce it and energy overhead required to nominally sustain production.

η =
A simplified multimodal mass transit optimization solver coupled to the simulation attempts
to create a demand-responsive fleet schedule for several types of defined vehicle types that
service transit networks within the simulation. This tool aims to provide a quasi-optimal
means to transport people and goods around within city clusters to help reduce the overhead
of the transit system.

Chapter 2
Generic Arcology System Model
One of the key characteristics of systems that grow by evolution rather than by design
(such as cities), is a distinct lack fundamental policies and “systems wide” thinking to drive
their design. Too often city components and services are created in a reactionary manner –
for example, fire protection services are provided after too many buildings have burnt down,
airports are built to serve cities after they have already grown too dense to accommodate
one in a central location, tap water distribution systems are gutted out and replaced only
after the old ones were too heavily loaded to be sanitary. A second problem is that too often
new systems are developed without giving proper regard to their impact on the inhabitants
and current infrastructure (e.g., congestion, environment). The central benefit of “systems
wide” thinking for city/urban development is that it leads to methodologies that aim to
identify and deal with cause-and-effect relationships among all system characteristics, early
in the development life cycle where potential problems are easiest to mitigate.
With this backdrop in mind, this chapter describes a methodology for the specification
of urban areas, highlighted by transportation network overlays that serve as a circulatory
system. The result is a “generic system model” that separates development concerns. (e.g.,
system behavior is separated from system structure; system performance is assessed through
measures of effectiveness).

2.1 Model of Systems Engineering Development
A good system design provides: (1) A desirable balance of functionality, performance,
and economy, (2) A pathway to convenient and reliable operation in a wide range of envi-
ronments, and (3) Ease of accommodation for future expansion and technical improvements.
Assessment procedures need to consider not only metrics on the system functionality, per-
formance, and economy, but the potential impact develops will have on the existing infras-
tructure and environment.
To maximize the likelihood of development efforts staying on track, most complex
engineering systems are developed within the framework of an agreed upon (or established)
process. Figures 2.1 through 2.3 illustrate the step-by-step procedure for front-end systems
development that will guide this project. Points to note are as follows:6
1. At the front-end of development, systems engineers are concerned primarily with sys-
tem functionality and identification of the key environmental conditions within which
this functionality must occur. Therefore, models of system functionality need to de-
scribe what the system will do under both normal and abnormal operating conditions.
Answers to these basic concerns are commonly expressed as functional requirements.
Performance requirements describe how well a system should perform these functions.
And economic requirements place constraints on the resources that will be made avail-
able to develop and operate the system.
2. Top-down development of system-level models begins with use cases, and proceeds to

Scope of this paper.
Use Case 1
Sequences of tasks
−− scenario 1
−− scenario 2
Use Case 2
Sequence of messages
−− scenario 3
between ohjects.
−− scenario 4
Activity Diagrams
Individual Use Cases
Use Case Diagram
and Scenarios
Sequence Diagrams
Req 1.
Req 2.
Models of System Behavior
and System Structure.
High−Level Requirements.
Figure 2.1: Pathway from Operations Concept to Models of Behavior/Structure to Require-
Scope of this work....
Goals and
Traceability via
use cases.
Operations Concept
Selection of
Objects and
Iteration strategy
to satisfy constraints.
Detailed description of
the system’s capabilities.
Figure 2.2: Traceability Mappings for the Development Pathway, Goals/Scenarios through
System Evaluation (Source: Austin/Baras6)

fragments of system behavior, expressed as activity and sequence diagrams. Require-
ments are organized according to the role they will play in the system-level design. For
example, some requirements will be directed towards the system behavior because they
place constraints on minimum/maximum levels of acceptable functional performance.
3. Models of behavior specify what the system will actually do. Usually, behavior can be
represented as networks and hierarchies of tasks, functions and processes. Behavior
is evaluated via attributes of performance. Models of structure specify how the sys-
tem will accomplish its purpose. The system structure corresponds to collections of
interconnected objects and subsystems, constrained by the environment within which
the system must exist. The nature of each object/subsystem will be captured by its
4. We create the system-level design by mapping fragments of system behavior onto specific
subsystems/objects in the system structure. Thus, the behavior-to-structure mapping
defines the functional responsibility of each subsystem/component. System-level de-
signs are typically viewed as collections of large, arbitrarily complex functional units,
forming the major components of a system. Connections among units may be arbi-
trarily complex, carrying unspecified data and information.
5. In the system evaluation, performance and characteristics of the system-level design
are evaluated against the test requirements. Several iterations of development may
be needed to modify the system behavior, system structure, perhaps even the original

operations concept, and achieve a design that satisfies all of the system-level require-
6. The system-level specification is a detailed description of the system’s capabilities (or
required capabilities).
The activities in Figure 2.2 are repeated for each level of system development (i.e., system
level; sub-system level; component level).
Specialization for Arcology Development. Figures 2.1 and 2.2 define a general-purpose
process for the development of systems, independent of the participating disciplines. When
discipline-specific knowledge is added to the design of appropriate development processes,
some problems become more difficult, others easier.
For arcology development, models of system structure are simplified through the
structured decomposition of the human habitat into groups of subsystems. Performance
metrics capture the essential details of resource flows, which in turn, allow for the comparison
of different types of arcologies to actual living conditions. As illustrated in Figure 2.3, a
distinguishing feature of arcology evaluation is the significant role pre-existing environment
and transportation infrastructure conditions play in system assessment. By itself, a new
system may have adequate functionality, performance and cost. But if its impact on the
pre-existing infrastructure is unacceptable, then it is unlikely the new development will be
approved. A proper evaluation requires models for both the new system and the environment
in which it will be placed.

Model of Pre−existing System
Model of New Development
System Design
Impact and Evaluation
Impact Evaluation
System Evaluation
−− Environmental ...
−− Functionality
−− Congestion ....
−− Performance
−− Cost
Figure 2.3: Model and Evaluation of New Development and Impact on Pre-Existing Infras-
2.2 Concept Development
Concept development for arcologies is formalized through objectives that capture the
needs of the inhabitants.
2.2.1 Goals of SimCity
At first glance, the goal of a city (at least as envisioned in Maxis’s SimCityTM )
ought to be to grow and prosper. Unfortunately, this viewpoint overlooks the city’s primary
responsibility to fulfill the needs and look after the well being of its inhabitants. These
concerns can be captured by looking at the problem from an individual level, on par with
the scale of Maxis’s The SimsTM : The SimsTM offers 8 needs for each of their simulated
characters: “Hunger”, “Energy”, “Comfort”, “Fun”, “Hygiene”, “Social”, “Bladder”, and
“Room”, indicated by the green bars at the bottom of the user interface screen shot shown

Figure 2.4: The SimsTM Entity Requirements Model
in Figure 2.4.
The model proposed in this chapter takes an even simpler approach:
Shelter: Where people live and sleep (accounts for “Energy”, “Comfort”, and “Room”
from The SimsTM model)
Food/Air/Water: The raw materials people need to consume to live, or at least not
starve to death (accounts for “Hunger”) and adds a ventilation requirement necessary
in building design.

Health: Maintenance factors, such as cleanliness, waste, (accounts for Hygiene and Blad-
Work: Most people need something productive to do when they aren’t attending to their
other needs. This could take the form of working for money, or being educated to
increase their knowledge bank of information.
Entertainment: If people aren’t doing something productive, they’re probably doing
something fun to while away their time (accounts for “Fun” and “Social”)
In order to fulfill these needs for all of the city’s inhabitants efficiently, what they are really
looking at is developing infrastructure to move resources around. Accordingly, the high-
level model developed in this chapter takes an abstract view of these resources and the
transportation networks that move them around. This allows us to quantitatively measure
the ability of the system to fulfill these individual goals.
2.2.2 Objectives
An organization responsible for running an arcology might track multiple composite
performance variables and strive to pursue multiple goals. These objectives might include:
• Continuous improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants
• Acceleration of research, development, and contributions to the educational body of

• Optimization of resource consumption to achieve balance with interchanges with the
outside environment.
• Maximization of productivity and economic performance.
• Achieving fairness by avoiding optimization of the whole at the expense of the few.
Add structure to the system by providing opportunities and alternatives, not imposing
restrictions on who gets to utilize available resources and transit capacity.
To be useful, each of these objectives need to be represented as a measurable quantity. The
simulation model should be capable of collecting and assembling composite metrics repre-
senting these objectives, and computing their values (or valid estimates) based on simulation
inputs. For example, a “quality of life” metric might be a composite of several measurable
outputs, including the length of required commutes, the number and duration of times they
are hit with a hunger event that can’t immediately be serviced by the resource delivery sys-
tem, amount of leisure time afforded after the optimal quota of daily work is done, and so
2.2.3 Use Case Diagrams
Use cases are high-level representations of system functionality that do not reveal the
details of implementation. Use case diagrams are a convenient way in which a real world
actor (i.e., entities that are external to the system) will interact with the system, the use
cases with which they are involved, and the boundary of the application.

Figure 2.5: “Live” use case diagram.
The arcology use cases simply represent a few major activities engaged by individual
residents. For details, see Figure 2.5 and Tables 2.1 and 2.2.
The system boundary is provided by the living quarters, which, contrary to its name,
extend beyond an individual’s residence and encompass all of the locations where they go
about their business. The arcology simulation model will need to be flexible enough to model
these types of activities in order to be used for design. The one new activity introduced by
Figure 2.5 is the “Travel” interaction. Not all of these use cases occur in one location,
so the Travel case takes care of moving the individual from one location to another. This
interaction is performed through one of the Transportation Infrastructure classes, which will
be detailed in the System Structure.

Individual : An inhabitant of the system.
Industry : Entity by which the individual is employed.
Cargo : Transportation Infrastructure responsible for moving people around (as well as
Table 2.1: Actors in “Live” Use Case Diagram
Sleep : Everyone needs a place to rest for a significant portion of the daily cycle.
Feed : Consumption of food and water resources.
Maintenance : Miscellaneous cleaning tasks, such as bathing, brushing teeth, doing laundry,
dishes, etc. would be represented here.
Work : Work is a transaction between and individual and an industry to exchange money for
productivity. In this case, productivity fuels the reactions that the industry performs.
Entertain : Entertainment can take on several forms, from merely socializing with other
individuals, engaging in solitary entertainment interactions (TV, games), to mass en-
tertainment (theatre, etc.)
Travel : An individual is able to travel through the transportation infrastructure to commute
to work or to travel to places to fulfill their other needs, such as for food or social
interaction with friends.
Table 2.2: Individual Use Cases in “Live” Use Case Diagram

2.3 System Structure
Models of structure specify how a system will accomplish its purpose. Typically,
the system structure corresponds to collections of interconnected objects and subsystems,
constrained by the environment within which the system must exist. The nature of each
object and/or subsystem may be described by its attributes.
Our basic model consists of an overall package named GeneralHabitat, which con-
tains base classes and three more packages to organize resources, reactions between entities,
and a separate transportation infrastructure overlay on which this project will direct its
2.3.1 GeneralHabitat Package
The GeneralHabitat package contains a generalized resource queuing and transporta-
tion model of living support systems. A scenario is required to build up a model of a system
by creating a hierarchy of cells that connect to each other via transportation network infras-
tructures. These cells would then begin to perform resource transactions between each other
and resource reactions within themselves to simulate the daily operations of the system and
observe it from different levels of detail, scaling from the individual to the city to the world.
The transaction approach is well suited for implementation in a discrete event simulation.
Much of the model is static, such as monetary costs for resources or the structure of
cells. This model is not intended to perform dynamic economic simulations or find ecological
balances such as the equilibrium of birth and death rates of townspeople; those functions have

been well studied. That said, the nature of the event-driven simulation framework makes
it easy to patch in such functionality by manipulating variables or cleverly reorganizing the
scenario outside of the simulation.
Instead, this model is merely intended to construct a glorified spreadsheet used to per-
form preliminary design and calculate rough benefits analysis on making way-of-life changes,
quantifying answers to such questions as: “how much energy might a city save if everyone
installed more efficient light bulbs?” or “how much time and energy could we save if we
staggered a city’s work schedule to relieve rush hour congestion?”
2.3.2 GeneralClasses
The GeneralClasses object model diagram (Rhapsody’s internal name for a UML
class diagram) depicts the base simulation classes and generally provides a template for
completing the design of any simulation based on this framework. See Figure 2.6.
All object model diagrams following this pattern of classes constitute scenario-specific use
cases that highlight the use of the base simulation classes. The specific purposes of each
class are as follows:
Cell: A Cell is the fundamental unit of structure. Each cell represents an identifiable
entity, which contains its own collection of resources. These resources can be traded
with other cells, or undergo reactions within the cell to transform groups of resources
into other types of resources. Cells are containers for other cells, creating a hierarchy
that can easily be traversed with recursive functions. Cells might contain any number

Figure 2.6: GeneralClasses Object Model Diagram

of subcells at the next level of detail down on the hierarchy, thus the Cell template is
also a self-referential composition of itself. This allows us to view and gather metrics
from the system on several levels of detail, from global down to the individual. To do
this, we introduce the constraint that measurement of a cell’s resources must always
return the sum of the resources of all of its child subcells, plus any quantity it owns
independently of its children.
LeafCell: Leaf cells are a special type of cell reserved for individuals and industries. These
cannot be subdivided further into subcells, and thus also lack an environment or a
transportation infrastructure to support any child subcells.
The handling of resources and reactions are covered by the classes ReactionEngine, Resource,
and ResourceEngine, respectively. The ReactionEngine defines reactions that can occur
within cells to transform one set of resources into another set of resources. The definition of
the reaction governs changes to the quantities of inputs and outputs, and balances them the
same way a chemical reaction would be balanced. Each resource engine keeps track of the
flow of one resource within a cell. This includes the input of resource from the environment,
trade of resources with other cells, internal reactions that transform resources to and from
other resources, and waste resource output back to the environment. The resource engines
are initialized to fire push / pull transaction events at regular intervals. Pull transactions
would offer to exchange monetary resources for goods and services such as food or electric-
ity. Push transactions relate to the expulsion of waste, and would end up in the immediate
environment unless picked up by a transportation system to take to, say, a waste processing

plant (represented by an industry) first.
Resources and reactions are not yet utilized in the current programming portion
of this thesis, but the hooks have been left in place for performing studies with detailed
resources accounting in the future.
2.3.3 CellHierarchy
We model the area of interest by breaking it down into a hierarchy of cells and
subcells that work at a different level of detail. There are essentially two types of units,
parent nodes and leaf nodes, with the only distinction being that leaf nodes do not have any
subcells. Levels of this hierarchy might correspond to jurisdictions of a society, as presented
in the example CellTypes class diagram shown in Figure 2.7. It’s important that all of the
subcells add up exactly to form the parent cell, so in some cases, it would be necessary to
define subcells that represent everything that might be left over after allocation into existing
subcells. For example, the rural areas not part of a city would be lumped into a special
residual “City” subcell to be included as part of a “Nation”. Similarly, homeless people
and vagrants would be lumped together into a special “Household” or “Community” subcell
to be included as part of “City” data. This should be an acceptable practice, since these
otherwise leftover units may tend to have similar characteristics.

Figure 2.7: Example CellTypes Class Diagram

CellType Classes:
The purpose of the example class hierarchy lined up along the right-hand side of
Figure 2.7 might possibly be described as follows:
World: This class represents the largest area of interest that modelers would most likely
be interested in studying. At this high level of detail the branches that have any
significant interaction with the particular unit are most important. Generally, there is
no need to model the components of the cell in great detail.
Region: Geographic region tend to be composed of several nations with a common sit-
uation. Of course, large nations may exist over several regions. For our purposes,
however, we will assume that all nations are smaller than the regions within which
they are contained.
Nation: A nation sets the policy for controlling and tracking international trade and
commerce. Data is often available on the national level for input into the top-down
City: A city is the highest level of organization represented by an individual arcology.
Generally, an arcology corresponds to a network of connected cities. One “city” cell
unit can be put aside to account for the production and consumption of all rural areas
not included in other cities.
Community: Families tend to cluster into communities, which in turn form cities.

Household: A household consists of a family of several individuals living together in
one residence. A family doesn’t necessarily include extended family, or preclude the
existence of other living arrangements such as roommates.
Individual: Because individuals cannot be partitioned into sub-components (we can only
hope), they are modeled as a leaf node in the hierarchy. Most individuals will work
for an industry. Individuals are free to move from place to place as part of their daily
lives. This allows them to commute to work or to visit friends in another household
and transfer their resource consumption to stress the infrastructure at other locations.
When individuals travel, it puts a strain on the transportation infrastructure.
Industry: Cities have a special type of leaf node called Industry, which essentially employ
several Individual units to perform certain specialized reactions on particular resources
in bulk. Generally, they consume energy resources to refine material resources.
Environment: A special passive cell that will always yield any resources that it has and
accept any waste that is ejected into it. Instead of interacting with other cells on the
same level, it only interacts with subcells. So, for example, a nation’s resources can be
split amongst its cities, and city level waste gets deposited in the nation’s environment.
TransportationInfrastructure: A special cell that interacts with subcells. It represents
the connective tissue that allows resources to transit between subcells, and it takes
both money and fuel in the process. Several types of transportation infrastructures
can be defined with different characteristics in terms of resource burn rates.

Attributes: Maintenance Monetary maintenance cost incurred to keep this system
up and running per unit cycle.
TransitCost Monetary cost required to move a unit of resource through this
transportation infrastructure per unit distance.
Value Infrastructure build value, or how much money needs to be invested to
put this transportation infrastructure in place so it can be used.
This thesis will focus on analyzing the people-mover component of a potential mass
transit network.
Implementation Note. From an implementation standpoint, the “system model” can be
viewed as a series of general-purpose templates, each represented as (conceptual) classes and
relationships among classes. The latter translate to architectures in a software implementa-
UML diagrams of the Arcology model were created with I-Logix Rhapsody in C++
Development Edition. Work proceeded under the expectation that the code generation
facilities for tools such as Rhapsody might someday be used to embed source code in the
framework, and then compile and run a working executable. One of the side effects of
using Rhapsody included some subtle differences in naming conventions, presumably used to
simplify the merging of the standard OMG UML 1.1 specification with the practical realities
of software engineering frameworks. Notably, Rhapsody uses “Object Model Diagrams” in
place of both “Class Diagrams” and “Instance Diagrams”, and prefixes class names with

“package” names that get translated into programming language namespaces. Since this
project deals with abstract models, we will almost always be referring to class diagrams
rather than specific object instances.
2.4 Transportation Infrastructure Overlay
The transportation infrastructure overlay consists of a demand model, a route graph,
vehicle model, and environmental factors.
2.4.1 Demand Model
As an exercise, let us consider some of the data elements we would want a schema
to include that would lend themselves to a good schedule optimizer. Each value of interest
might need to be expressed and measured in different forms, to indicate whether its value
has been projected from previous data, predicted based on current known conditions, or
is actually measured after the fact. Uncertainties need to be attached to projections and
predictions so that data elements can be used for contingency planning.
A good starting point for the demand model formulation is to list out the information
a passenger or piece of cargo wishing to traverse the system would want to convey to us.
The simplest schema would consist of a source location, a destination, and a desired time of
arrival or departure. But much other information could also be of use:
1. Unique identifier: every database needs to refer to its elements by some unique ID
at some point. Many privacy rights activists cringe every time a system forces them

to assume one that is traceable back to them. It’s beyond the scope of this paper
to address the requirements of what can or cannot be gleaned or pieced together by
data mining this information. But suffice it to say that privacy and security concerns
could be met by currently existing encryption, digital signature, and authentication
technology. As an example, suppose that after payment, a unique system identifier
was associated with an encrypted, one-time signature generated by the passenger’s
private key. Only that passenger would be able to decrypt the digital fingerprint
that associated their personal identity information with the unique ID stored in the
passenger roster. They would be able to prove that it was they who generated that
unique signature ID at a later time, say, if they needed an alibi. However, government
or private entities that somehow got a hold of the passenger roster wouldn’t be able to
run searches, such as “give me a list of all the people who traveled to this shopping mall”
or “list all the places John has traveled to lately.” For more restrictive governments
or law enforcement / monitoring agencies, all or part of this data could be exposed
through a key escrow system. The point is that all of this framework exists and should
be set up from the inception of the system, since the security and authentication model
will likely be deeply ingrained into how the rest of the software systems operate. The
main problem that most privacy advocates see is that the minimum basic anonymity
and data privacy safeguards are simply not being deployed into the systems of today.
2. Schedule constraints / flexibility : optimization thrives on having some slack or flexibility
in its constraints. We could achieve more optimal schedules if only passengers had a

way to more adequately express constraints like:
• What range of times could they be expected to arrive at their destination? e.g.
Not later than 9:00?
• How much extra would passengers be willing to pay to reduce their time in transit,
say be giving them preferential treatment in the schedule optimization algorithm?
In the same vein, would any of them be interested in paying less to reduce their
“pull” on the scheduling algorithm, such that their scheduling might form by eco-
nomically “hitchhiking” around on the empty seats left over in schedules generated
to serve passengers paying for higher priority routing?
• What kind of safety factors or time buffers are passengers comfortable with?
Would they be willing to run through an airport to make a tighter connection?
3. Accessibility needs : handicapped passengers could make special requests to suit their
situation. This could help budget transfer time and resources better. For example,
instead of equipping all of the vehicles in a fleet with minimal accessibility features at
great expense, a bus system could have 5% of their fleet be fully equipped and serve
handicapped passengers as their first priority.
Cargo would have much of the same properties as passengers, perhaps a few more
to encode other special handling instructions, hazmat designations, and so forth. As cargo
might spend significantly longer stretches of time in the system between warehouses and
transfer stations, they might have more stringent tracking and tagging requirements, as

well as more flexibility in routing preferences, especially between low priority bulk and high
priority overnight shipments.
Security is an important concern in a system that can be misused for malicious pur-
poses. While we could easily set up detection stations at central transfer nodes to screen for
explosive and hazardous materials and other contraband, we’d want to take another step to
ensure that the sender can be traced and held accountable for the contents of a package. The
system should require some form of digital signature and authentication from the sender in
order to enter a package into the system.
Having all this passenger and cargo data pretty much takes care of knowing the
transportation system demand inputs.
2.4.2 Route Graph
The next set of standardized data should describe how the transit network itself is
set up to handle the demands placed on it. Every transit system could be expressed as
a network, so we will liberally apply terms from the networking field to describe some of
these concepts. The first assumption we’ll have to make is that any transit system could
be expressed and modeled as a collection of nodes and connector links. They might vary
significantly in complexity and level of detail between transit systems, but they all need to
be able to “plug in” to each other for inter-modal optimization to work properly.
A simple light rail or tram network might consist of a few dozen stations connected
by a single track. On the other end of the spectrum, a metropolitan road network modeled in

detail would have thousands of connective paths, links to probably all of the other nodes of
transit, relatively few fixed source and destination nodes, and likely not enough user planning
data will ever be made available to predict traffic congestion resulting from construction,
weather, accident, or just plain rush hour delays.
Minimal Transport Network Representation. The minimal elements needed to repre-
sent this transportation network would include:
• A unique node identifier
• A geographic node location, represented in a standard reference frame such as the
WGS-84 latitude, longitude, and altitude used by GPS.
• A connectivity matrix, minimally of transit times between node pairs. A special value
would indicate that certain node pairs (probably most of them) are not connected at
all. This might even be digested from much more complicated routing algorithms,
such as street navigation systems. The connectivity matrix will need adjustments over
time, to schedule in planned closures for maintenance, or new routes opening up at
particular times.
• Buffer and storage nodes, such as maintenance bays or taxiway queues. These might
have special properties with regards to what activities or states can and cannot take

2.4.3 Vehicle Model
In order to actually traverse this network, a transit system ultimately needs vehicles.
Each vehicle would have associated with it:
• A physical location within the network, whether a geographic location in transit, or a
position in a queue waiting for arrival at a station node, or occupying a storage or a
maintenance bay.
• A passenger or cargo capacity
• A set of rules governing how fast it can navigate across its network, how long it takes
to load and unload, etc.
• Various maintenance details, such as fuel supply, crew refresh schedules, and at least
some indicator of the probability that it will reach its destination without breaking
down along the way or running late for some other reason.
The system would need a way to introduce its own arbitrarily fixed schedule or other
constraints. This could be required merely as a way to allow legacy timetable-based sys-
tems to nominally interact with an optimized scheduling system. While we could squeeze
a more optimal solution by imposing fewer constraints, for various reasons (suppose a com-
munications equipment failure prevented us from giving a last-minute reroute to a vehicle),
we need some way of communicating and enforcing pre-existing or immutable schedule con-
straints. This mechanism probably would be similar to one we’d use for introducing planned
or unscheduled maintenance stops.

2.4.4 Environmental Factors
The last major category that would affect the performance of the system might include
“environmental” factors. These factors could either be predicted in advance with some
degree of certainty, or suddenly evolving events such as accidents or breakdowns that require
a reformulation of the optimization problem to mitigate.
Weather conditions can have a predictable effect on a system. Updates on rain or
snowstorms should be able to make their way into the system so it can plan on having some
degree of constrained capacity in advance. Airports can plan to shut down for a few hours
while “convective weather cells” (thunderstorms) pass by overhead. As better forecast data
has become available, air traffic control centers have actually been able to institute ground
delay programs for aircraft all the way at their points of departure, so they don’t end up
circling in holding patterns near the destination airport, waiting for the inclement weather
to abate. Such techniques for contingency planning based on externally available data could
make their way into streamlining other forms of transportation such as road and rail, albeit
less dramatically.
These types of entries could manifest themselves as time-dependent changes to the
network connectivity matrices and node constraints. Each cell would have a probable new
value for transit time on that link, accompanied by probable start and end times of that

2.5 System Behavior
The arcology simulation model is based on a discrete event simulation framework.
This means that state changes in the system structure are triggered by the firing of events
which occur along a global time line event queue. The model executes by populating the
global time queue with scheduled events and firing those events in order. Every time an event
is activated, the system global time is advanced to that new time. Any state transitions in
the model that were blocking on this event are executed so they can perform their activities,
which often result in the scheduling of more events in the future. Thus the simulation
perpetuates events and continues in time until there are no more events left on the simulation
timeline event queue.
2.5.1 Modeling the Behavior of an Individual
The individual transitions from state to state in their daily activities triggered by
these events. A fairly simple schedule could be arranged as follows to implement a state
chart representing a typical person’s day. The state chart depends on having the right
combination of events defined and triggered to advance the individual through the full daily
A massive quantity of these individuals independently going through their daily state
cycles as indicated by Figure 2.8 would create a load on the system, either by requesting
resources that must be delivered to them, as well as moving the individuals themselves about
the transit network as required. At the same time, we can poll the history of each individual

Figure 2.8: State Chart Model for Behavior of an Individual

to collect performance metrics on how well the system can respond to their demands.
2.6 System Performance/Measures of Effectiveness
The complete city system can only improve properly if we choose the right perfor-
mance metrics to judge it by. An optimization function that optimizes the wrong metric
will certainly cut you short of fulfilling your goals. For a city, the metrics we would want to
track include:
1. Resource production/consumption ratio per cell. An effective system would need to
be efficient at doing a lot with the resources it has available to consume. We should
emphasize efficiency over minimizing total resource use, since the latter would often
result in some form of stagnation.
2. Transportation overhead. We should establish metrics to track the ratio of resources
spent on the connective infrastructure compared to the nodes and activities it actually
supports. Of course, this also needs to be balanced with the need for growth and inter-
connectivity, so allocating resources towards maintaining and extending transportation
systems should be a secondary goal to increasing productivity.
3. Sustainability. The environment is usually the first to give up resources or absorb
waste when they can not be serviced elsewhere. However, we often do not know the
environment’s total capacity for restoring waste byproducts back into useful resources.
The burden should be placed on the industries who exercise the environment the most

to prove what that capacity might be in order to achieve a suitable equilibrium.
4. Quality of life. We can measure this by tracking the ability of the system to respond
to the population units’ resource requests to maintain their desired standard of living.
It will be difficult to establish a calibrated baseline, however, since this performance
measure will be relative to historical measurements. We can only attempt to keep the
quality from dropping below former levels.

Chapter 3
Framework for Arcology Simulation and Analysis
This chapter reports on the development of a simulation framework for arcology
simulation and analysis. Emphasis is placed on the specification of an urban model that
will generate demand on a transit network, a system simulation engine, and a schedule
optimization algorithm capable of directing the action. Development activities follow the
systems engineering framework described in Figure 2.1; that is, use cases lead to scenarios,
simplified models of required functionality, and the identification of (functional, performance,
economic) requirements. Then, models of simulation system behavior and support for real-
time optimization of behaviors (i.e., transit schedules) are specified.
A secondary purpose of this chapter is to introduce technical considerations and
design goals of mass transit systems based that might be based upon this framework. Of
course, the ensuing chapters will fill in specific details of the mass transit system model,
types of transit scenarios, and details of the actual software implementation.
3.1 Simulation Tool Use Cases
As detailed in Chapter 2, use cases are a mechanism for eliciting and structuring
models of system functionality. Basic questions include: What will the simulation framework
do? What are minimal levels of support for specification of scenarios, simulation, and post-

1. Set up a modeling scenario using input data.
2. Execution of simulation model to produce output data. The ability to perform multiple
scenario simulations in parallel would greatly increase our data analysis throughput.
3. Postprocessing and analysis of output data into performance metrics.
4. Design of experiments methodology for exploration, optimization, and parametric anal-
ysis of the solution space.
Table 3.1: Potential use cases for the simulation model
simulation analysis? What types of decision making support will be provided? Table 3.1
contains a first-cut list of potential use cases for the simulation model.
Support for Scenarios. Part of the difficulty in framework development comes from a
lack of specific constraints and, in this case, the need to simulate behavior in urban areas,
the transportation overlay, and any potential interactions.
A well-designed framework will support assembly of simulation scenarios from mul-
tiple perspectives. In particular, we need to be able to build up scenarios in two ways: (1)
through composition of collections of entities in a bottom-up manner, and (2) by breaking
down aggregate data sources into a distribution of entities in a top-down manner. The lat-
ter would allow us to compare scenarios assembled from data gathered from a sampling of
individual detailed sources, and from scenarios initialized using totals gathered at a higher
level of detail. For example, we might know the number and type of cars registered in a
city, their fuel efficiency, and the estimated distance they travel daily. From this we could
assemble a simulation that gives us their average fuel consumption. Conversely, we might
take a survey of all of the gas stations and know exactly how much fuel was pumped into

a number of vehicles in the city, and from that deduce the distance each of them drive.
By comparing similar scenarios constructed from different data sources, we might check our
models for consistency as well as calibrate it under a variety of existing sources of data.
1. Bottom-up Scenario: Since the arcology is designed from the ground-up, starting
at the individual level, the structure of our model would allows us to calculate the
aggregate performance at higher levels of organization, such as a the city and national
• Define number of simulation units, connectivity between units, schedule of trans-
action events, schedule of reaction events, initial conditions.
• Output aggregate performance for groups of units.
2. Top-down Scenario: The present day scenario is built in a top-down fashion from
various data sources. Statistics are only tracked from relatively high levels on the
organizational hierarchy, so we must extrapolate some data to flow down to fill the
detailed subcells of the structure.
• Define high-level consumption rates for groups (using publicly tracked and avail-
able data), provide distribution histograms for each type of resource and transac-
tion rates for each subunit.
• Output unit-level quality of life, performance.
Support for Simulation/Analysis. One of the main types of problems this transportation

network simulation needs to address is passenger demand generation. Different types of
transportation infrastructures could be evaluated against each other to determine how well
they meet that demand. Many existing transportation problems tackle ways to increase
throughput or capacity. But the task of urban planning should also focus on arranging its
physical layout to economize demand loads in addition to building out transit infrastructure
for maximum capacity. For example, instituting staggered work hours or telecommuting
programs can relieve peak rush hour traffic congestion without spending a fortune widening
highways or building additional transit lines just to increase throughput for a few hours of
peak usage a week. Local governments should know how much incentive they ought to offer
to businesses to encourage them to implement flexible work hours. Similarly, they’d want to
know how much to invest in telecommuting infrastructure (such as municipal broadband) in
order to provide productivity benefits similar to simply adding highway lanes or additional
By simulating demand, we can also create a transportation system that is more
sensitive to the needs of individual travelers rather than the aggregate flow of passengers.
This would allow us to create schedules around the traveler’s itinerary rather than forcing
the traveler to always plan around fixed train, bus, ferry, and aircraft timetables. By only
tracking passenger flow through fixed schedules, we throw away some valuable data on when
the passenger really wants to depart or arrive, which is a significant factor when comparing
mass transit to personal vehicle use. For instance, if everyone starts work exactly at 8:30, but
buses only run hourly on the hour to that particular stop, then the extra half hour everyone

spends waiting per day essentially counts as extra commuting time in their books. The
system operators might think they’re doing quite well by only measuring the time passenger
spend sitting on the bus and making connections, but the passengers would perceive much
higher inconvenience and time costs.
A more effective public transportation system should succeed in making the world
“smaller” by making each district of a municipal area more readily accessible, allowing peo-
ple to travel between places where they live, work, run errands, and seek entertainment.
Under the trunk and feeder paradigm often used to organize mass transit in metropolitan
areas today, travel through the system can take considerable time unless your source and
destinations happen to be near major hubs or just down the street from each other on an
established route. The worst case scenario for many trips off of a main trunk line would
consist of catching a local feeder bus route to the nearest trunkline light rail station, making
a transfer at a major hub or two, and finally catching another feeder route to your ultimate
destination. Each transfer would typically consist of at least 5-20 minutes of waiting for
the next connection. Compared to driving your independently owned vehicle, public tran-
sit would often take two to four times longer, even with traffic. Commuters would travel
twice per day, so the time savings of taking a personally-owned vehicle could add up to an
additional 1-2 hours of personal or family time at home each day. Public transportation
systems could use much improvement to make mass transit preferable to driving, but often
it becomes an alternative to escape congestion on the roadways rather than the primary
mode of travel. Drivers typically support investment in public transportation only insofar

as it gets other cars off the road.
An advanced busing system (such as the HCPPT system proposed by Cort´
es13) would
dynamically generate routes and schedules based on individual source and destination re-
quests from each passenger, and thereby achieve efficiencies and meet customer requirements
far better than current fixed schedule transit fleets. This could make public transportation
much more attractive to people who drive their own vehicles everywhere in order to main-
tain that degree of flexibility. During peak commuting hours, intelligent scheduling has the
potential to reduce individual commute times, as most buses could be scheduled more like
express routes, filling up at one location and proceeding directly to stops at a common des-
tination with minimal stops or transfers or jaunts down back roads along the way. During
off-peak hours, buses would not run nearly empty along the exact same routes at a drastically
reduced frequency, but would run only on demand, cutting down unnecessary wait times and
making them more convenient for midday or late night errands. All we’d need to implement
an intelligent, dynamically reroutable transit system is a robust communications network
with a simplified interface to provide route updates to vehicles and transfer instructions to
3.1.1 Performance Metrics
What defines a good inter-modal transit system? The conflicting goals might be
characterized as: speed, latency, coverage, and efficiency.

• “Speed” refers to how fast the transit system can get a passenger or cargo item from
point A to point B. Unfortunately, this does not depend entirely on the cruise speed
of the vehicle alone, but also time spent making transfers and additional preparations
(such as passenger check-in and luggage screening at airports)
• “Latency” refers to additional waiting time between when a passenger wants to go
somewhere and when the transit system can actually take them. It is affected primarily
by the frequency of service, particularly how well it matches demand. Extra time that
people have to wait at their source or destination should be counted against the system
— though this is often overlooked in transit performance metrics today. The data just
isn’t available, or people have relegated themselves to adjust their schedules around
the system’s timetables. This “latency” metric will usually be at odds with efficiency
due to economies of scale, since making passengers wait longer times between pickups
can cluster them into larger groups.
• “Coverage” refers to how well the transit system covers the service area, which should
include how far people have to walk from their doorstop to enter the system. Broad
coverage is more difficult to achieve for a mass transit system, especially as population
density decreases and residences and businesses become more spread apart.
• “Efficiency” might refer to two terms: monetary frugality on fixed infrastructure and
operating costs, as well as in terms of conservation of fuel and resource utilization.
Efficiency pretty much always counterbalances against each of the three other goals,

so we often must express how much extra money or fuel we are willing to expend to
achieve gains in speed, latency, or coverage.
3.1.2 Transit Schedule Optimization
To achieve reasonable improvements in these multiple competing performance goals,
we must employ some manner of vehicle fleet optimization in order to investigate the full
potential performance of a transit platform. An intelligent transit system would take ad-
vantage of existing and emerging ubiquitous computing and communications networks to
make itself more responsive to customer requests and to deliver passengers in a more coor-
dinated manner. While fixed route schedules might work well for normal demand based on
projections, the true performance of a transit system should take into account all available
emerging information. This could include advance knowledge of special events that create
spikes in demand to certain stations, or even unforeseen events such as breakdowns that
close transit lines and trigger a failure mode of operation with an altered schedule.
An optimization problem formulation should dynamically take in data about the
arrangement of stations, passenger requests for transit between available stations, and prop-
erties describing the vehicle fleet and constraints pertaining to their movements between
stations, and provide an optimized plan for delivering passengers to their destinations. This
would allow us to identify and focus on the performance impacts of physical design parame-
ters independently of the often arbitrary fixed scheduling methods. The optimized schedule
could be calculated in near real time, incorporating updates from the evolving system state

in a rolling-horizon fashion. It would incrementally compute the next series of interchanges
and transfers in the future, at first working on projected demand data augmented with more
solid data collected from vehicle and station sensors.
Once we identify transit scheduling paradigms that perform well, we might simplify
the network somewhat by establishing some fixed strategies, patterns, or even routes. How-
ever, we see no reason why a fully dynamically-reoptimized transit system couldn’t guide its
passengers through a constantly updating and changing network or vehicles through the use
of mobile phone text messages or a dedicated digital guide.
3.1.3 Coordination of Dynamic Optimal Schedules
The main way we’ll be able to improve the efficiency of mass transit (aside from
simply improving fuel economy) would be to use existing resources more effectively through
extensive use of optimization. With enough planning and foresight, optimal scheduling is
straightforward to perform. However, things never quite go as planned, due to a variety
of unpredictable factors such as weather and accidents and just plain last-minute changes
in schedules. In order for the optimal plan to be of much use, we ought to continually
collect enough data in real-time to monitor and reevaluate schedules as able. This requires
that we have a communications system in place that allows us to poll the status of our
cargo, passengers, and transportation vehicles. Equipage for this type of system would have
been cost prohibitive in the not-too-distant past, but now that geolocation devices, mobile
computing, wireless networking, and cellular data network backbones have become nearly

ubiquitous, we’d be silly not to put all this capability to good use.
So instead of having fixed timetables locked down and fixed weeks, months, or even
years in advance, based only on projections from previous observation of seasonal flows in
the past, we could perform schedule optimization on actual data. This data would factor in
individual requests from each customer, including their destination and schedule constraints
(or better yet, their schedule flexibility). Vehicles could report their current location and
status, meaning they’ll always be right on time - especially since they could report their
arrival time themselves. Monitoring and reporting of deteriorating road or weather conditions
could automatically update the schedules of every vehicle in the network to account for and
mitigate the effects of new delays.
3.1.4 Comparison Framework for Multiple Urban System Models
Now that we have specified a model for urban-enabled demand on a transit network,
a system simulation engine, and a schedule optimization algorithm to direct/control the
action, we can set up an iterative optimization of system design that will analyze the design
parameters for each particular simulation scenario. This framework will help us evaluate
urban design and infrastructure in ways that should help drive progress towards efficient
and sustainable societies that serve the people who live in them.
To see the usefulness of this framework, consider the following scenario. We could
propose a new construction or infrastructure project, show its benefits in this kind of a
simulated model, and later validate those benefits using data collected from the real system.

Competing developers might even submit simulations of their designs to provide benchmarks
using this analysis platform.
The ability to compare several optimization components, several system structures,
different modeling methodologies, all using the same data interchange format to facilitate
direct comparisons between both real and simulated evolution of the scenarios, allows us to
take a systematic, objective approach to tackling urban improvement projects. Adapting
such a simulated and real system performance comparison framework will allow us to have
more complete impact assessments by making sure every study or proposal is analyzed
consistently, using the same inputs, and doesn’t sweep away or ignore unwanted side effects
and consequences. Urban planners could use these studies to provide ammunition for driving
changes toward the way they envision their communities. An intensified focus on operational
efficiency and continuous improvement driven by pervasive measurement and analysis will
lead towards a leaner, sustainable society where we could direct a higher ratio of resources
towards forward progress instead of mere subsistence.
3.1.5 Transit Simulation Requirements
With that, we proceed to develop the outline for what our simulation must accomplish.
See Table 3.2.

1. Read scenarios as inputs
1.1. Hierarchical layout of transit stations and connectivity
1.2. Initialize simulation entities involved (people,
workspaces, etc.)
1.3. Load demand schedules for passenger movement
2. Simulation execution to evolve state of system entities
3. Output metrics defined and calculated
3.1. Passenger measures of performance
3.2. Vehicle measures of performance
Table 3.2: Simulation Requirements
3.2 Simulation System Structure
We used the Umbrello UML tool to create diagrams in this and subsequent chapters.21
While its code generation capabilities are not as comprehensive as that of the commercial
tools such as I-Logix Rhapsody, it can generate class stubs for several languages including
Python objects (which is used for the simulation), and XML Schema (which might be used
eventually to help validate data interchange).
3.2.1 Discrete Event Simulation Framework
The prototype framework depicted in Figure 3.1 consists of three major parts: sce-
nario generation, simulation, and schedule optimization. These components are wrapped
around a scenario generation and post-processing framework that creates a directory tree of
scenarios, each with slightly different initial conditions for factorial analysis.

Figure 3.1: Data Dependencies Among Components in Simulation Framework
Implementation Approach. The simulation code written in Python makes heavy use of
the SimPy module,43 while the solution of the schedule optimization problem occurs using
the LP-solve mixed integer linear program solver.8 Python is a high-level programming
language supporting object oriented programming. Its clear syntax and various interface
modules make it ideal for rapid prototyping.
The schedule optimizer formulation was first prototyped in Perl before being ported
to Python. While Python typically has a much better reputation than Perl in terms of code
readability, Perl’s in-line variable output syntax made its code terse and much easier to read
and debug than the equivalent Python code.
Being the “brains” of this framework, the more complicated optimization problem
imposes a few major constraints that help simplify the way we’d model our transit network.
The transit system must consist of a network of “station” nodes representing the entry, exit,
and transfer points for passengers and cargo. Passengers and cargo can only move between

nodes on vehicles, which can transfer them between any two connected stations or waypoints
at regular, synchronized intervals. The simulation can handle several vehicle types, which
can differ in passenger capacity per vehicle, cost per transit segment, connectivity graph
between nodes, the maximum number of vehicles allowed to visit a station at the same time,
and a host of other measures and constraints.
Modeling Difficulties. The most crippling part of the model deals with timing. Time is
dealt with in terms of synchronized discrete timesteps, during which the state of the entire
system can be represented at one point in time by a complete set of variables. At each
time step, the state of the system must be such that every vehicle is located at a station
or waypoint node. By the next time step, all passenger transfers must have been made and
all vehicles must have completed their transit toward the next station node (or else stayed
in place at their current station). When the simulation translates these actions to events in
continuous time, this means that all stations synchronously act in unison, where every vehicle
practically departs simultaneously, travel all at the same time, and offload passengers at their
destinations, and wait for passengers to transfer to make connections. They all must act in
rhythm to the beat of a central drummer. While this obviously constrains the flexibility of
the model in a big way, this arrangement allows the schedule optimizer the flexibility it needs
to balance hub-and-spoke transfers with more direct routes, depending on the capacity and
economics of the vehicles made available.
Therefore, the model used in this analysis is that of equal-time segments separating
transit stations and waypoints. Each and every vehicle must wait for passenger transfers to

complete before they continue on to their next destination. The result is that, in reality,
some amount of time is bound to be wasted under this model as all vehicles must stop and
wait for the next beat of the synchronization drum before proceeding. A vehicle that is
running a little bit late might have to skip a beat completely.
3.3 Simulation System Behavior
The Scenario Generator runs first and generates a directory hierarchy of scenario data
and a makefile that allows us to run simulations in parallel and only on scenario data that
has not yet been computed. This allows us to add data points to large data sets without
having to spend a lot of time recomputing existing results.
Snapshots of the simulation state occur regularly and trigger the creation of new
optimization formulation files, which might be solved by Python’s LP-Solve module several
times throughout the evolution of the simulation. The optimization returns an object with
a list of schedule results referenced by entities in the simulation to determine their actions.
After the runs are complete, the yEd graph viewer can neatly organize and display
state snapshots of the transit entities in its pseudo-UML object view.47 These visualizations
of the simulation’s graphML state dumps greatly assisted development and debugging. An
example is depicted by Figure 5.2.
Finally, a post processing script assembles the raw output of SimPy data monitor
taps into histograms for collective display on a summary web page for comparison. It also
condenses a spreadsheet of input parameters and output metrics for each scenario to allow

further data reduction as described in Section5.6.1.
The program uses the Psyco and SciPy modules to greatly increase the execution
speed of most operations. Simply including the Psyco optimizer replaces certain commonly-
used interpreted Python routines with optimized native code that gives the overall model
a 1-2 order of magnitude increase in computation speed.39 The SciPy library additionally
gives us a high performance numerical library for performing calculations and efficiently
manipulating large matrices.35
3.3.1 Statistical Scenario Comparison
The simulation uses some pseudo-random distributions to initialize demand curves.
In order for our simulation runs to maintain repeatability, each of the scenarios include an
initial random seed. A simulation run with the same seed will always generate the same
random variables. Conversely, we can also vary the initial random seed across several runs
of the same scenario in order to do Monte Carlo type simulations that gives us a proper
distribution of output metrics as well.
The use of randomized initial distributions has another useful feature, in that it
prevents the optimization problem from becoming too symmetric. Too much symmetry
would result in multiple equal-cost branches to search exhaustively. So adding a touch of
entropy to the our system allows our MIP solver to converge on a better solution slightly

3.3.2 Computational Considerations
Large scale global optimization falls under the class of NP-hard problems that scale
exponentially with the number of transit nodes we add to the transportation system. Accord-
ingly, the simulation is set up to run in parallel across several CPUs, scalable to a massive
clustered system with a shared filesystem. Some linear and mixed integer solvers also have
the capability to partition and solve individual optimization problems in parallel. Unfortu-
nately LP-Solve is not one of them, but it does have the ability to export its model into
other optimization problem formulation language formats such as CPLEX or the industry
standard MPS, so we need not worry about supporting parallelization.
We still would need to resort to a host of other tricks to reduce the computational
complexity enough to approach problems of any appreciable size. Most of them involve
introducing some sort of constraint to reduce the number of branch and bound paths search
in the solution space. But primarily we resort to LP-Solve options that allow us to accept
suboptimal but feasible solutions.
• The easiest way to reduce the computational complexity is to partition the problem into
smaller parts. Since these types of “traveling salesman” problems scale exponentially
with respect to the number of nodes, the number of branches to search would be
drastically reduced by replacing an exponential term with a linear one.
• Adding link constraints is also another way of reducing the search space. Not every
node needs to be linked to every other node. So often we will resort to building a
connectivity matrix to define which source nodes can get to which destination nodes.

With road and rail, only adjacent nodes are directly connected. Distant nodes would
require transit through other city or station “nodes”
• With aircraft, of course, most vehicles can travel directly from any node to just about
any other node in the network. In this case, it may be helpful to add “max passen-
ger transfer” constraints, to keep the system for searching through impractically long
schedules. An itinerary that made a passenger jump between more than two or three
connecting airports would likely be rejected by that person. On the other hand, low
priority bulk cargo may find some cost advantage through waiting for these multiple
connections, filling in otherwise “empty” space leftover on flights that could get closer
to its destination. But at some point all of the extra handling and transfer overhead
ought to outweigh the cost saved.
• Any constraint that would help “lock down” otherwise free variables would help reduce
the search space. Feeding in initial conditions - like the current locations of the vehicles
in the fleet, or stops that must be made by a certain time (for example, to ensure
buses take all passengers to a stadium well before a game starts) may help speed the
optimization solution search along.
• Sometimes it may be necessary to simply add other heuristic or even arbitrary con-
straints to help the system converge on a solution. By design, many of these constraints
might not even affect the final solution, but constrain the search space enough to deliver
an answer more quickly.

All else failing, many mixed-integer programming solvers, including LP-solve, can
return “good enough” solutions without completing an exhaustive search of the solution
space. Modern MIP solvers can also be pretty clever about searching the “most promising”
paths close to the relaxed linear solution first. Completing the exhaustive search often yields
little incremental improvement over the best previously discovered feasible objective. Of
course, this technique applies only if a feasible integer solution can be found in reasonable
time at all.
LP-Solve has a host of options that can allow it to return suboptimal solutions be-
fore completing an exhaustive branch-and-bound search of the solution space. It can simply
provide the first MIP solution it finds after locating the relaxed linear solution using its
simplex solver. We can also converge upon solutions faster by increasing its MIP gap toler-
ance, which is the relative improvement between suboptimal solutions it finds along its way.
This effectively reduces the “depth” of its branch-and-bound search. Finally, it also offers
a wall clock timeout that stops an optimization from running virtually forever and returns
the current best suboptimal solution.
Finally, a sophisticated optimization could involve pre-computing most of the possible
schedules in advance, and then have the ability to account for the effects of small changes
with only minimal recalculation of the final optimal solution. This type of “warm start”
optimization could help recover the schedule quickly after small, unexpected breakdowns.
Suppose a vehicle suddenly announces that it will be arriving 30 minutes late to a hub node.
If recomputing the entire optimal solution taking this new information into account would

take a few hours of number crunching, we obviously don’t want everything to grind to a halt
while waiting for the scheduler to tell us what to do next. A warm start optimization would
minimize recomputation, perhaps by determining a subset of decision variables which would
likely be affected and formulating a highly-constrained problem that only searches through
variables linked to unexpected changes in one or two input values. We’d need to develop a
heuristic to determine exactly how far out this limited set of affected variables should reach.
Another warm start scheme might involve jumping back into a computational snap-
shot of the state of the large optimization and only recalculating internal values that have
changed with the modified inputs. Perhaps some solvers have this ability.
3.4 Model Validation Against an Actual System
Ultimately we would want to calibrate our simulation against an actual transit system
modeled by it. Due to the discrete timestep nature of our schedule optimization model, the
simulation would only be capable of providing an approximation of a live system’s perfor-
mance. However, if the live system uses the same schedule optimization algorithm used in
our simulation, we wouldn’t expect simulated versus live performance to differ appreciably
unless vehicles run late and passengers miss connections. The simulation currently does not
model these types of unexpected events, but adding such probabilistic failures to the simula-
tion shouldn’t pose much of a challenge. The challenge lies in calibrating those probabilities
against those that might occur in the live system due to factors discussed in section ??.

Chapter 4
Multimodal Mass Transit Simulation
This chapter describes specific details of the schedule optimization problem formu-
lation and modeling components used in the simulation of commuters traveling from their
residences to their places of employment. Commuting makes a good starting scenario, since
it accounts for a large proportion of the trips handled by present-day mass transit systems.
Furthermore, the commute simulation may easily be adapted into other types of scenarios
for analysis such as shopping errands or stadium events.
The formulation of the schedule optimizer is most similar to the mass transport vehicle
routing problem (MTVRP) introduced by Pag`
es.37 It creates schedules for moving a fleet
of vehicles between a network of stations in such a way to deliver as many passengers from
origin to destination stations as possible.
4.1 Framework Capabilities
The primary features that this optimization framework sought to achieve include:
• Demand-responsive routing rather than operation on a fixed schedule. This is neces-
sary for us to worry less about generating transit designs around peak demand levels
that do not function as efficiently with nominal demand levels. We also hope that

the system would utilize command and control networks that take advantage of avail-
able communications infrastructure to book requests and guide passengers through the
• Allow optimal transfer strategies to emerge. At different loading levels, the system
vehicles may organize themselves like “hub & spoke” / “feeder & trunk” networks
for efficiency, or begin to resemble more direct point-to-point routing during lighter
loading or when existing hubs become constrained.
• Multi-objective goal functions, including terms for maximizing service quality such as:
1. high throughput
2. low average latency from sources to destinations
3. efficiency terms that would minimize general operating costs associated with the
number of vehicles operating in the fleet and the number of segments they would
have to travel
4.2 Concept Requirements
This section describes the pathway from high-level goals to specific use-cases for the
transit system, the mass transit optimization goals, fleet schedule optimization objectives,
and transit use cases.

4.2.1 Mass Transit Optimization Goals
This simulation constructs a simple transit network with passengers traveling from
source nodes to destination nodes. The scheduler attempts to provide an optimal or quasi-
optimal schedule of transit fleet vehicles with various capacities, operating costs, and nodes
serviced that will transfer the passengers to their final destination. Through parametric
analysis of different demand loading and network topologies, we hope to define some charac-
teristics of urban areas that enable the system to meet the opposing passenger demand and
vehicle utilization objectives efficiently.
4.2.2 Fleet Schedule Optimization Objectives
The objective function of the transit vehicle schedule optimization is a weighted
composite of the number of passengers served, the time they are delivered, and a flat cost
incurred per vehicle leg traveled. The weight on each objective typically puts them on
different orders of magnitude, such that a secondary objective should not be considered a
factor until the primary objective reaches an optimal configuration.
The relative weighting of objectives is arranged as follows:
Objective 1 ≫ Objective 2 ≫ Objective 3 ≫ Objective 4
Objective 1 : Maximize the number of passengers delivered to their final destinations. All
passengers are currently weighted equally, which means during instances where the
system is operating beyond capacity, the optimizer will favor passengers who are close
to their destinations. There is currently no zone tracking to ensure that passengers

traveling long distances can “pay more” to compensate for the higher transit cost. The
objective function also provides no reward for moving passengers partway, so a feasible
solution will either move a passenger all the way to their destination node or not at
Objective 2 : Minimize the amount of time the passengers spend in the transit system. This
is accomplished by adding a linear bonus term to the objective function that rewards
the system for delivering passengers to their destinations at earlier times. These terms
push the schedule “left” towards earlier arrival times. Otherwise the system would
allow people to wait unnecessarily during the time window under consideration.
Objective 3 : An optional objective to minimize deviation from a desired fleet size can be
activated. We could simply minimize the number of vehicles in use, but we’d have to
find some way to balance this with the passenger service objectives. Plus, most service
operators have a fixed number of vehicles and drivers to employ. The optimizer could
take advantage of extra vehicles to improve passenger service quality, as well as make
recommendations at to when the operator might want to rent additional vehicles and
drivers temporarily to meet demand.
Objective 4 : Minimize the operating cost of moving vehicles. This is currently expressed by
a simple flat cost incurred by each segment a vehicle travels. Each size vehicle could
have a different cost per segment traversed, such that a vehicle with a higher capacity
would presumably have a greater cost per time unit. Currently the system deducts no

cost for vehicles idling at stations, but we could insert this term easily enough if called
The objective function is subject to the following constraints:
Conservation of passengers and vehicles moving between nodes. Passengers and vehi-
cles should be neither created or destroyed during the course of the schedule. The MIP
schedule optimization follows a classic inventory management problem formulation.
Passenger movement between nodes is constrained by the capacity provided by vehicle
movements between nodes. Passengers can only move around in the network when
carried by vehicles. The optimization problem currently allows passengers to wait and
transfer freely between vehicles at station nodes.
Vehicle movement about the transit network is constrained by several factors:
• Connectivity matrices allow certain types of vehicles to travel only between con-
nected nodes. This allows us to connect nodes together with one or more modes
of transit. For example, a certain subset of nodes could be served by a rail system,
while the rest of the nodes would only be accessible via bus service. The connec-
tivity matrix provides enough flexibility to model a transit system as a collection
of directed graphs, so stations could be connected by one way or bi-directional
• Station and waypoint capacity constraints could prevent too many vehicles from
visiting the same station or route simultaneously.

• A hard maximum fleet size might prevent some unrealistic solutions.
We could add some arbitrary constraints somewhat easily. For instance, we could
limit the maximum number of vehicles on a group of segments or waypoints that have
been grouped together to block each other on a constrained resource, such a bottle-necked
intersection. This concept is discussed in more detail in Section ??.
This optimization make no attempt to handle meeting passenger required times of
arrival (RTA). It only optimizes based on the reported time passengers first become available
to depart. Oftentimes people would want to arrive at their destination just before the fixed
start of their work day, or at an airport in time to catch a flight. Because this optimizer uses
an inventory management approach, adding this information would result in an exponential
increase in decision variables. This added complexity would make the schedule take much
longer to generate. Combined with the fact that several of the passengers would not even
make use of this functionality (such as the ones who are leaving work and just want to get
to their destination as soon as possible), the schedule optimizer declines to consider this
To add an RTA handling feature, an algorithm external to this schedule optimizer
would need to provide a rough estimate of the required time of departure (RTD) necessary to
meet a passenger’s RTA, and submit a transit request with that RTD into the optimization.
If the itinerary provided back to the passenger falls behind (or too far ahead) of their desired
arrival time, the algorithm could redact the transit request and try again with a slightly
adjusted RTD. A few cycles of this incremental optimization on a much simpler schedule

optimizer for the subset of passengers who actually need it should provide an acceptable
solution more quickly than if the scheduling problem was reformulated to include variables
and objectives to take everyone’s RTAs into account.
4.2.3 Transit Use Case Diagram
A passenger begins by submitting a transit request for sometime in the future to the
global scheduler. The scheduler collects requests and generates an optimized vehicle schedule
that separates passengers into several pools based on their current and final destination node.
When the time comes to act upon the schedule, a station master at each station loads waiting
passengers into the proper vehicle, and then sends the vehicles on their way towards their
next destination. When the passenger reaches their final destination, they exit the transit
For simplicity, this simulation unboards all passengers at each station so the station
master can re-sort them into their next/final destination pools. Another logistics layer could
be implemented to provide the convenience of maximizing the number of passengers that
could stay aboard their vehicles during stops at transfer stations.
4.3 Mass Transit System Structure
The model is arranged in a hierarchy allowing the partitioning and relocation of units
at different levels of the structure as described in section ??. This allows us to use flexible
recursive algorithms to facilitate a lot of searching and reporting tasks. For example, we

Figure 4.1: Transit use case diagram

recursively walk the tree to produce the incremental state snapshots of the system hierarchy
in graphML format for viewing in yFiles’s yEd application.
4.3.1 Generic Cell Class
All simulation entities inherit from the Cell class, which provides a sub cell container
for any children classes. The cell class stores a handle to its own parent cell as well, so
algorithms may traverse the tree in either direction. Subroutines allow child cells to move
about the tree, updating associations so cells never have more than one parent. Each cell
also has a className to distinguish between different types of children. They also inherit
filtering functions that can search for and return a list of child cells meeting certain criteria.
4.3.2 Neighborhood Nodes
All of the elements in the model are comprised of various incarnations of the generic
cell class. A master city cell forms the root of the tree hierarchy and contains several
neighborhood node cells representing clusters of employers and residences that share a transit
station. This hierarchy represents a realization of the general class template described in
Figure 2.6. Each neighborhood can contain any number of employers or residences that share
the same transit station in a pattern reminiscent of J.H Crawford’s reference districts.16
An employer would have a number of job vacancies associated with a particular job
code (representing the particular skill required of a worker) and additionally a work schedule
that would dictate the employee’s commute schedule. Assuming that each vacancy could

Figure 4.2: Cell Class Diagram
Figure 4.3: Neighborhood Class Structure

draw a qualified employee into the metropolitan area, an individual would be instantiated
to fill that job vacancy and proceed to look for a residence somewhere in the city.
Since we’re not interested in modeling real estate trends, the individual simply creates
a new residence cell in any neighborhood of the city. Currently we use a simple uniform
random distribution to allocate residences, but we could use different distributions to study
other urban design factors, as suggested in Section ??.
This job code and skill code accounting allows us to model the impact of specialized
job centers and mixed populations in the urban area caused by development initiatives and
zoning policies. The work schedules allow us to control and adjust the demand on the transit
network in order to create loads and investigate peak congestion effects.
4.3.3 Transit Network
The transit network operates within the same cell hierarchy as the rest of the model.
However, it behaves somewhat independently, serving to pick up passenger cells at station
nodes and transport them to other station nodes through one or more layers of vehicle
containers. Stations
Each neighborhood contains one station cell that corresponds to a node in the transit
network. As illustrated in Figure 4.4, all passengers transferring through a station are
sorted into PassengerPool containers, one for each other station node in the network. While

Additional waypoints to
Arrivals from
apply transfer time penalty
previous nodes
Vehicle Berths
Station node
Passenger Pools
(one queue for every
destination station
in network)
Bypass routes
Departures to
& waypoints
next nodes
Figure 4.4: Station Conceptual Model
every passenger in a PassengerPool has the same final destination, they might take separate
vehicles or even entirely different paths to get there. Additionally stations have a fixed
number of vehicle berths that serve to constrain the maximum number of vehicles that can
dock simultaneously. Figure 4.4 depicts a conceptual model of what a station node might
look like for the purposes of our scenarios.
Station pairs are connected to each other via arcs defined in a connectivity matrix.
Each type of vehicle has its own connectivity matrix, so different modes of transit can serve
subsets of stations. Waypoints
Typically, waypoints are sets of coordinates that identify a point in physical space. To
make the modeling language a little more realistic, we added “non-station” waypoints on arcs
between stations. Waypoints allow for the modeling of systems where stations separated by

varying distances (albeit in terms of integer units of time). Waypoints also allow passengers
and vehicles to have a defined state while en route between stations while only moderately
increasing the number of variables added to the optimization problem.
In the context of this project, waypoints act as one-way nodes in the transit network
that allow the system to preserve the state of vehicles and passengers while traveling in-
between stations. There are no constraints that prevent passengers from transferring between
vehicles at the same waypoint, so to prevent passengers from train-hopping or plane-hopping
en route, we apply an additional constraint that all the passengers and vehicles that enter a
waypoint at one timestep must leave it the next timestep.
For some models, we might desire this kind of behavior. We could eliminate these
waypoint constraints and allow vehicles to effectively enter a holding pattern at a waypoint
just outside of a station. And there have been studies and patents filed to allow vehicles to
transfer passengers at speed. In the future we may want to ease those constraints somewhat
to allow these other types of behaviors.
Waypoints don’t really belong to any parent cell in any meaningful way, since they
are an artifact of the separate transportation infrastructure overlay as depicted in Figure
2.6. Other entities in the simulation have little reason to interact with them. We typically
attach all waypoints directly to the master city cell since they would typically exist between
We use waypoints to serve two purposes. While they are primarily used to represent
the time and space traversed by vehicles between stations, they can also represent only the

time spent waiting at a station. In this mode, they would account for time spent slowing
down and docking at a station berth, loading and unloading passengers, and – to some extent
– the walking time of passengers between platforms or gates while transferring within the
All of the scenarios in this work employ at least one waypoint between stations in order
to provide a time savings advantage to a vehicle bypassing a station. We use this measure to
study the possible performance benefits of having offline stations, which is a feature necessary
for rail service with express routing or almost any PRT-like transit proposal. Vehicles
The vehicles in the various transit fleets traverse the network picking up passengers
from stations and dropping them off at the next station. A completely separate transit layer
represents each type of vehicle, with their own connectivity matrix that defines the segments
and waypoints that each set of vehicles can traverse. The schedule optimizer only cares
about two properties for each vehicle type: the maximum passenger capacity and the cost
per segment traversed. TransitTokens
The station master issues TransitTokens to identify passengers and cargo within the
transit system, using them to store a customer’s final destination. TransitTokens provide
a handle used to sort passengers at each transfer station. Additionally, they log the path

Figure 4.5: Transit Simulation Activity Diagram
taken and timestamps for each passenger, so they come in handy for collecting data on
transit times and wait times during post processing analysis.
4.4 Mass Transit System Behavior
Behavior of individuals travelling on the mass transit system is defined by the sequence
of activities shown in Figure 4.5. The four parties (or actors) that participate in transit
behavior are: passenger, station manager, vehicle, and scheduler. Swim lanes show their
roles and responsibilities in enabling behavior.
The simulation is based on a discrete event simulation engine. This means that state

changes in the system structure are triggered by the firing of events which occur along the
global time line queue. The simulation engine runs a model by populating the global time
queue with scheduled events and executing instructions triggered by events in order. The
system global time advances to the time of the last event, and any state transitions triggered
by that event are executed so they can perform their operations, sometimes scheduling
additional events in the future event queue. Thus, the simulation perpetuates events and
continues in time until the program reaches a time limit or there are no more events left on
the simulation queue.
This transit simulation consists of a conglomeration of relatively simple entities work-
ing together. We’ll introduce them roughly in order of increasing complexity.
4.4.1 Individual
The simulated people entities exist purely to create demand on the transit system.
In the current simple commuting scenario, they simply live in a residence at one node and
work at an employer at a possibly different node. They will enter the transit system based
on their work schedule. Some configurable time in advance of their travel, they will submit
a TransitRequest to the global transit scheduler system. By having advance knowledge of
when the passenger needs to travel, the fleet schedule optimizer can ostensibly do a better
job reducing passenger waiting time.
They enter the transit system by traveling to their local Station and procuring a
TransitToken programmed with their final destination. From there on, they are shuffled

around by the other entities of the transit system until they reach their destination station.
Once they arrive at their final stop, they are placed into the appropriate employer cell in
that neighborhood.
4.4.2 Vehicle
Vehicles of the same type are considered completely interchangeable, so the only state
information of any importance for them is their capacity and their next immediate destina-
tion node (either a station or a waypoint). Vehicles simply wait to receive a transitEvent and
then pick up as many people as they can from the station’s PassengerPools before leaving
for their next destination.
When vehicles arrive at a station, they will dock in an available berth and immediately
empty out all of their passengers into the station for sorting back into PassengerPools.
4.4.3 StationMaster
Each station has a StationMaster process that reads the global fleet schedule dis-
tributed with each transferEvent and organizes all passengers and vehicles. It first sorts all
passengers into PassengerPool queues and all vehicles into rosters grouped by their final and
next destinations, respectively. After a brief period of time allowing passengers to make their
connections onto the next vehicle, the firing of the transitEvent signals that all transfers have
completed and the vehicles disembark to their next destination.

4.4.4 GlobalScheduler
The global scheduler receives incoming passenger requests, occasionally triggering the
generation of a new optimized schedule. Then it gradually advances the global clock until the
time comes to serve the first passengers arriving at the station. The global scheduler begins
firing a succession of transferEvents and transitEvents at regular intervals to synchronously
push the Vehicles and StationMasters through their state actions.
4.4.5 Optimization Variables
The schedule generation MIP is formulated using the following sets of variables to
track the inventory and movement of passengers and vehicles:
pptik : pool of passengers at node i at time t whose final destination is node k
ppitik : pool of new passengers initialized at node i at time t with destination node k
ptijk : passengers from node i going to node j at time t with final destination k
aptsi : pool of vehicles of type s at node i at time t
ftsij ∈ integers : vehicles of type s from node i going to node j at time t
All variables are integers, but only the vehicle movement variables must explicitly be
declared as integer.

Chapter 5
Analysis of Sample Transportation Scenarios
In this chapter we exercise the framework and mass transit system model by comput-
ing vehicle fleet performance for a variety of network configurations, combinations of loads,
and vehicle fleet sizes.
5.1 Verification of Simulation Engine
Before the simulation environment can become fully operational, we need to verify
that the underlying behaviors and conservation principles are strictly adhered to. For exam-
ple, if a passenger declares the need to travel from locations A to B, we should verify that no
matter what, the passenger will eventually arrive. Similarly, the number of passengers wait-
ing at a station at any time needs to be consistent with flows of passengers arriving/leaving
the station.
Several arbitrary transit networks such as the one shown in Figure 5.1 provides a
variety of test cases for different combinations of connections between stations and waypoints
used in system verification and validation. The graph demonstrates the functionality of both
bidirectional station–station links, and different combinations of unidirectional station links
connected via one or more waypoints. Additionally it provides multiple equal length routes
linking several stations (such as n1–n2 and n0–n3) to encourage use of alternate pathways

during congestion. Several simulation runs with different demands and initial conditions
provided test feedback during development.
The simulation leaves periodic dumps of the system state in graphML format that we
can load into the yEd graph layout tool to visually inspect the object tree. These snapshots
show us the locations of individual vehicles and passengers, along with records of their
transit history. The entities are represented as nested UML objects, color coded by station.
A portion of one of these zoomable diagrams is shown in Figure 5.2.
We could also attempt to model a regular 2D grid network. By applying several
simplifications to allow our prototype fleet scheduler to scale up to a 25-node 2D triangular
grid, we could model a PRT-like network. We simplified the model by restricting it to single
passenger (or small party) vehicles, which eliminates transfers. The simulation will still
unload and reload passengers as they traverse station nodes, but we can safely assume the
passengers simply stay in the same vehicle they arrived on.
5.2 Simulation Requirements Verification
Throughout the test cases, we checked the following criteria to look for inconsistencies:
1. Passengers get sent to their destinations. Passengers that cannot receive service due to
capacity or other constraints should remain at their point of origin (and not stranded
in the middle of the transit network)
2. Connectivity constraints are not violated. Vehicles and passengers should only move
between nodes that are connected on the connectivity matrix.

Figure 5.1: Arbitrary transit graph used for Verification and Validation. Yellow nodes
indicate stations, red nodes indicate waypoints.

Figure 5.2: System Snapshot in yEd GraphML Viewer
3. Vehicle capacity constraints are not violated. Passengers should not be able to move
independently between nodes without enough vehicles to carry them.
The simulation itself served as an invaluable verification tool for the schedule opti-
mizer, as it was quick to point out inconsistencies in the number of passengers and vehicles
available at stations while trying to follow the schedule. Tracing errors and crashes in the
simulation helped debug the schedule optimizer’s performance.

• width ymax = 4 station nodes
• length xmax = 5 station nodes
Figure 5.3: 20-node PRT Triangular Mesh Network
5.3 Validation of Analysis Data
During validation testing, desired behaviors and unwanted problems were found by
taking some of the following measures:
1. Tracing the paths of individual passengers and vehicles to ensure they make sense.
• Vehicles shouldn’t move on their own when they’re empty, unless they do so to
make way for vehicles carrying passengers.
• Passengers should travel on a reasonably direct path towards their final destina-

2. Checking for optimality by attempting to find improvements to or deficiencies in the
schedule. This task should be hard, or even impossible if the solver had found an
optimal solution.
• Scenarios with multiple vehicle sizes and a high enough load should show a “pref-
erence” for using larger, more economical vehicles, supplemented by a few small
vehicles running around feeding the larger ones to full capacity.
5.4 Sample Scenarios
The simulation generates histograms plotting the transit system’s response to input
demand “pulses”. The demand pulse is currently a one-time uniform random distribution
across all source and destination nodes. The simulation generates demand by creating one
employer cell in each neighborhood that employs a fixed number of commuters. The employ-
ees originate from any station node in the network with a uniform random probability. This
arrangement for defining transit demand was chosen to reflect the fact that municipalities
often have more control of where and how many jobs are created than where people choose
to set up residences.
Scripts produce sets of results for two types of transit topologies meant to represent
extremes that would combine to form complete transit network graphs: (1) a simple 1D linear
light-rail system, and (2) a 2D hexagonal cluster unit on a triangular grid. We simplify our
analysis by limiting the cluster size we consider to only 7 nodes, near the practical limit
for computing quasi-optimal solutions to TSP-type problems. We arrange the stations in

a simple line, or clustered into a fully-connected star topology with a central hub and six
5.4.1 1D Light Rail Transit Network
The light rail system has two types of operation: a sequentially-routed “linear” rail
network where trains must stop at every station, and an “express” rail network where stations
are off the main line and trains can save time by bypassing stops. Note that the additional
routes made available indicate temporal paths and not separate physical paths between
5.4.2 2D Hexagonal Network
In order to scale up our schedule optimization to tackle larger, more practical transit
networks, we’ll have to start by concentrating our efforts on a simple triangular grid orga-
nized into hexagonal units. Building upon this basic unit, we could eventually decompose
larger problems hierarchically into clusters of hexagonal units and solve them in parallel, as
described in Section ??.
As in the 1D rail scenario, we again distinguish between a sequentially-routed network
(depicted by Figure 5.6) where every vehicle must stop for transfers at every station node it
passes along its way, and a network with express routes (depicted by Figure 5.6) in which
vehicles could bypass stations to save time and berthing space in the stations passed.

Figure 5.4: 1D Light-Rail System Connecting Four Neighborhoods‘
Figure 5.5: 1D Light-Rail System Connecting Four Neighborhoods, but with Local and
Express Bypass Routes

Figure 5.6: 2D Hexagonal Cluster
Figure 5.7: 3D Hexagonal Cluster with Express Bypass Routes

5.4.3 Assumptions and Limitations
The simulation currently does not specify all of the initial conditions to the schedule
optimizer. In particular, the beginning locations of vehicles are currently left free. This gives
the transit systems used in our scenarios an unfair advantage, as vehicles can initially be
“magically” created anywhere in the network. The total number of vehicles in the fleet is
also left unbounded. A more realistic study would consider setting the maximum number of
vehicles in the fleet as a design parameter to explore.
To take away some of this advantage, in our scenarios we currently set the final
vehicle state to equal the initial vehicle state. This means that each schedule that meets
a certain demand pattern is at least repeatable for another run of the exact same demand
pattern at the end of its active time interval. It also forces the vehicles to spend some energy
returning to their initial state. Since the scheduler considers all vehicles of the same type
as interchangeable, this repeatability constraint does not force all vehicles to make complete
round-trips. They might operate in rotation with other vehicles of the same type.
As noted in the scenario description at the beginning of Section 5.4, each scenario has
a uniform distribution of employers and residents spread out among its nodes, making the
problem highly (and uncannily) symmetric. Future studies could easily vary the distribution
of demand to model a network with business and residential centers, as noted in Sections ??
and ??.
Each segment between waypoints and stations represents 2 simulation time units.
Typically, the last segment entering a station represents the time penalty for stopping at

that station. As seen in the network models, bypassing a station results in a 1 time segment
gain. This means that we’re assuming that the amount of time a vehicle spends slowing down,
stopping, waiting for passenger transfers, and getting back up to speed again is roughly the
same amount of time taken to travel between stations at speed. This ratio could be adjusted
by adding additional segments to increase the visit penalty at stations, or to increase the
travel time between stations. For these scenarios we sill stick to a ratio of 1 : 1, which seems
reasonable for several forms of transit.
We impose a maximum number of time units allowed by a schedule. Having more
time units translates to a higher possible capacity over that time. On the 1D linear rail
networks, we limit schedules to 18 time segments, which works out to 1.5 times the diameter
of the sequential network (6 ∗ 2 segments between the 7 stations). On the 2D hexagonal
networks, we chose a limit of 12 time segments, which works out to 3 times the diameter of
the sequential network (2 ∗ 2 segments between an outer station to any other outer station).
Due to the high computing time required to exhaustively search the entire schedule
optimization solution space, we impose a time limit on the wall clock time that the computer
is allowed to spend finding a solution. When this time limit is reached, the MIP solver
will simply return the current best sub-optimal solution it has found. This sub-optimal
solution will typically fall close to the final optimal solution, so we could argue that the
diminishing improvements to the schedule would not be worth the additional calculation
time. In a real transit network this timeout would prevent vehicles from idling while waiting
for further instructions from the global scheduler. While this tradeoff may be acceptable

for practical purposes, this optimizer timeout defeats the repeatability of our simulation for
academic purposes. The CPU would stop computation at a nondeterministic point in the
MIP optimization and could return different schedules depending on the speed of the CPU
or even on how much time was allocated to other processes in the background. This is a
limitation of the LP Solve software’s wall-clock-based timeout feature and could be fixed in
the future by adding a deterministic timeout function that returns a sub-optimal result after
a fixed number of solver iterations.
5.5 Scenario Performance Data and Histograms
SimPy probes monitor and collect performance metrics experienced by individual
entities in the simulation. By plotting several of these metrics as histograms, we can gain
some deeper insight into what the system is doing over time.
We present a set of example histograms in Figures 5.8 through 5.12. This data was
taken from one of the 1D rail networks with linear sequential routing serving a moderate
load of passengers.
5.5.1 Passenger Performance Metrics
Improving system performance perceived by passengers of the system often comes
at the expense of vehicle fleet operating costs. Improving passenger service goals typically
increases the number of vehicles operating and the distance they must travel during the
course of a schedule. Since our optimization goal favors the fulfillment of passenger goals

first, we expect to see some fairly straightforward trends.
Histograms in red pertain to the transit system performance from the point of view
of the passengers.
Transit Time: In Figure 5.8, we see the total number of passengers served by the system,
and time they were delivered to their final station. Thus, we can view this graph as
the system response to the demand impulse at time t = 0. Each time segment takes 2
units of time. Therefore the width of each histogram bin is 2 time units long, and we
don’t see our first arrivals until t = 4, since passengers must travel through 2 segments
via a waypoint before arriving. Large groups of passengers continue to get dropped
off at their destinations after roughly every other time segment, since all stations are
separated by one waypoint. The quantity of passengers delivered diminishes with
time, as fewer combinations of station pairs are that number of segments apart. We
do notice that some deliveries are also made on the “odd” time steps in between the
“even” peaks, where the scheduler has shuffled some of the overflow passengers to take
advantage of unused station capacity.
Departure Latency: Figure 5.9 shows us the amount of time most passengers spend
waiting at their station of departure. Most passengers can board vehicles right away,
whereas a small number of passengers must wait for the next time step. This helps
shed light on the “even” peaks and “odd” valleys we saw in the passenger transit time
histogram of Figure 5.8.
Number of Stops / Transfers: Finally, Figure 5.10 shows us how many stops passengers

Passenger Transit Time
Passengers, Total: 1544
Transit Time, Avg = 13.35
Figure 5.8: Passenger Transit Time
had to endure to get to their destinations. Since we only had 7 stations in our linear
network that passengers must visit in sequence, we get a very predictable ramp down
to 6 stops for passengers that traversed the entire line from one end to the other.
5.5.2 Vehicle Fleet Performance Metrics
Histograms in blue relate to vehicle fleet activity.
Segments Traveled: Figure 5.11 shows the system response of vehicles to the demand
impulse. Again, we see a gradual ramp down, as fewer passengers remain in the system
as time passes. In our scenarios, the second bin tends to have the most traffic. The
first bin likely is lower because the initial location of the vehicles is free, so vehicles
can essentially be created anywhere. Therefore, the difference in the first bin and the

Passenger Departure Time
Departure Time, Avg = 242.22
Figure 5.9: Passenger Departure Time
Passenger Transfers
Transfers, Avg = 2.66
Figure 5.10: Passenger Stops / Transfers

second bin might be attributed to the advantage vehicles receive from the ability to
magically appear exactly where they are needed for these scenarios.
A more difficult feature to explain is the valley right after the first peak of activity
(and to some extent the less pronounced valleys following subsequent peaks). The
system appears to operate in fits and starts, and it actually appears to rest between
surges of activity. This is observed in all of the linear sequential routing scenarios.
The optimization function attempts to deliver passengers as early as possible, so we
would expect the system to push deliveries to the left and not waste time “resting”.
Perhaps the system is maxing out its capacity in a highly coordinated fashion during
a delivery peak, and then uses the ebb of the rest period to do some “housekeeping”,
moving a small number of vehicles out of the way for the next coordinated surge. In
this fashion, the system could deliver large numbers of people faster in two pulses with
a gap between them as opposed to spreading the deliveries out evenly, especially if
these coordinated pulses were necessary to allow passengers to make transfers.
Utilization per Time Step: Finally, we look at how full the vehicles were as they traveled
their routes in Figure 5.12. Since minimizing vehicle travel is the lowest priority goal,
the vast majority of vehicles operate nearly empty. In this scenario, the empty vehicles
are likely moving out of their way of the ones with passengers. Also, some empty
vehicles may move to restore the fleet’s initial state at the end of the scenario, which
offsets some of the advantage gained by their “magical” initial positioning discussed in
Section 5.4.3.

Vehicles in Transit, out of 48 Total
Vehicles in Transit
Sim Time
Figure 5.11: Vehicles In Transit
Vehicle Utilization per Segment Traveled, % of Capacity
Segments travelled of 256 Total
Percentage occupied, Avg = 0.2508
Figure 5.12: Vehicle Fleet Utilization

Gains in vehicle utilization and thus efficiency could be achieved by cutting back on the
number of vehicles in the fleet and performing a new optimization. This would allow
us to still emphasize passenger performance over vehicle efficiency. Otherwise, the
scheduler would likely present passengers with unreasonable wait times and transfers
in order to fill its vehicles up to capacity.
5.6 Parametric Analysis
To evaluate different transit paradigms, we’d want to reduce the relationship between
system design variables and performance metrics into a series of parametric equations. We
could then compare the projected levels of investment necessary for infrastructure and op-
erations under competing transit paradigms to meet similar performance goals.
5.6.1 Design of Experiments
We set up a factorial experiment to determine the impact of several design factors. By
individually varying each independent variable and observing its effects on our performance
metrics, we can establish correlations between our design inputs and system outputs across
a variety of conditions.
The scenario generation script populates a full factorial directory tree of 144 scenarios
using the following input values for each parameter of interest:
Topology type: [1D rail, 1D rail w/ express service, 2D hexagon, 2D hexagon w/ express
service] All topologies consist of 7 station nodes. The “express” routes indicate that

vehicles may bypass offline stations to gain a 1 time segment advantage over stopping.
Load [4, 64, 128, 256] Passenger demand per station. The total number of passengers on
the network would work out to 6Load, since 1 of the employees would live in the same
neighborhood where they worked.
Vehicle berths per station [2,4,8] Maximum vehicles that can visit and transfer passen-
gers in a station simultaneously per time step. 2 could represent a typical rail station
with cars running on 1-way tracks. 4 might represent a rail station with two tracks
where cars at the platform could depart in either direction. Finally, 8 could represent
a station with many individual, independent berths, such as a bus transfer station.
Vehicle capacity [16, 64, 128] Maximum number of passengers that can ride in each
A post processing script collects the following output metrics (condensed forms of the
histogram data in Section 5.5) and summarizes them into rows on a spreadsheet:
• Total number of passengers handled
• Mean passenger transit time
• Mean passenger departure delay from time available to depart
• Mean passenger number of stops / transfers experienced
• Total number of each vehicle type utilized

• Total number of vehicle segments traveled, to give an estimate of operating costs
• Mean vehicle capacity utilization percentage, to summarize how ’full’ the vehicles are
running during each segment they travel. This metric gives some indication as to the
system’s operating efficiency)
Each row of input and output data on the summary spreadsheet represents a different
demand level and transit network configuration. We can then use this spreadsheet to gen-
erate several families of plots that characterize the performance impact of a range of design
input variables. Each of these plots include data regression curves useful for highlighting
correlations and for creating an approximate parametric model of transit system design. By
applying data filters to the spreadsheet, we can quickly create several plots that compare
the different major design paradigms.
5.6.2 Comparison of Linear and Express Routing
We can use our factorial analysis to perform a quick comparison of design factors.
In this case, we’d like to highlight some of the performance differences between a transit
network with sequential routing and one built to accommodate express routes that can
bypass intermediate stations.
Figures 5.13 and 5.14 plot both the linear sequential routing scenarios and the ex-
press routing scenarios on the same set of factorial sensitivity plots for two other design
factors (vehicle capacity and station capacity, respectively). A regression line through the
data indicates the correlation between the design factor and the performance metric of in-

terest averaged over all of the scenario conditions. A positive or negative slope indicates a
correlation, a relatively horizontal regression line suggests that other factors dominate.
The top four charts in each set concern the impact of the design factors to passenger
metrics, the bottom three charts affect the vehicle fleet performance.
The charts in Figure 5.13 show that vehicle capacity has little impact on passenger
service for our optimized schedules. However, the type of routing used does have a profound
impact on the average transit time and number of stops experienced by passengers. Allow-
ing express routing to bypass stations can cut average transit time almost in half, while
practically eliminating most stops and transfers.
The number of vehicles necessary to run a schedule and the amount of segments they
run is also reduced. The reduction in segments comes about in large part because stops
and transfers count as segments. While this may not be an accurate portrayal in terms of
mileage saved, this could still represent savings of fuel and vehicle wear-and-tear, as braking
and accelerating at a station can be every bit as taxing as cruising at a constant speed for
many types of vehicles.
Figure 5.14 tells a similar story, though this time showing that increasing the number
of vehicles that can dock at a station simultaneously can get passengers to their destinations
more rapidly by easing congestion.
An additional curiosity shows that higher station berthing capacity can result in much
a higher fleet size and operating costs in the linear sequential routing case which does not
affect the express routing network much. This highlights some of the inefficiency of forcing

Figure 5.13: Effect of vehicle size on passenger and fleet performance metrics: a comparison
of linear vs. express routing

Figure 5.14: Effect of station size on passenger and fleet performance metrics: a comparison
of linear vs. express routing

vehicles to stop at every station along a route, especially when there’s extra capacity to
handle these stopovers.
This design factor analysis supports notion that, all inputs being equal and subject
to our assumptions, an intelligently scheduled mass transit system designed around a larger
quantity of smaller vehicles running direct point-to-point routes between offline stations
could provide much faster passenger service while meeting and exceeding the fleet operational
efficiency of more conventional systems.

Chapter 6
Conclusions and Future Work
The first purpose of this chapter is to summarize the key findings of this work. Then,
we make suggestions for directions for future work.
6.1 Conclusion
This thesis has identified the purpose and goals of an urban area, and attempted to
define the characteristics of a mass transit system that could help meet the goals of diversity
and specialization in a dense package. It has also applied intelligent routing in such a way as
to allow comparisons of feeder and trunk transit networks with more futuristic PRT systems.
The latter is accomplished through the use of a unified scheduling and simulation framework.
Therefore, this work makes a step toward filling a gap between existing analyses of traditional
transit featuring large, high-capacity vehicles, and smaller personal or group routed vehicles.
We hope that this work will ultimately inspire urban planners to invest intelligently
in infrastructure to tackle 21st century challenges, from reducing effects of peak oil and
global climate change to creating equal access housing and environmental sustainability for
a population. Often we try to look for solutions to the transportation problem by developing
better vehicles, when we could address the problem more effectively with better urban design
and development.

6.2 Future Work
Chapters 4 and 5 present work that is simply a first step in the development of a
comprehensive platform for arcology simulation and optimization. Short-term opportunities
for future work could focus on constructing additional studies for factorial analysis, and com-
pleting some missing usability features. Long-term development pivots on a major refactor
of the schedule generation and interfaces to the simulation that would add detailed modeling
features and increase the scalability of the transit network to useful dimensions. In more
detail, specific opportunities for future work are as follows:
1. Additional Design Factors. We could easily take the opportunity to design new
groups of experiments for factorial analysis on additional design parameters.
1.1. Spatial Load Distribution. Rather than use a uniform random distribution
of residences commuting to equal size employment centers scattered throughout
the network, we could introduce ramp distributions that would give us separate
employment and residence core sectors. We’d expect this asymmetry to reflect
current city layouts, and reduce our vehicle utilization as empty vehicles must
backfill those departing from residential stations.
Furthermore, we could also make use of job codes and skill codes to model dif-
ferent distributions of employee or employer types throughout a population. For
example, if the skill codes were to correlate to residents’ socioeconomic status,
we could set up a model to study the impact of efforts to integrate rich and poor

1.2. Temporal Load Distribution Passengers seldom appear at all source stations
at exactly the same time. We could vary the shape of the demand input pulse to
gradually inject passengers into stations over time.
1.3. Timeliness of Input Data. The amount of time in advance that a passenger
submits a transit request to the global optimizer could affect how well the system
can have a vehicle ready to pick that passenger up at their requested departure
time. In the worst case scenario, the system does not find out about the passenger
until the last moment, when they enter the station and buy a TransitToken to a
specific destination. The more advance notice the global scheduler has, the better
it can budget vehicles to reduce passenger wait times.
1.4. Multiple Vehicle Sizes. The simulation and optimization formulation are
capable of handling multiple vehicle types, so it can provide solutions using a
mixed fleet of small and large vehicles. The vehicles might even have different
connectivity matrices. We’d need to adjust the factorial design generation and
simulation monitor taps to allow data collection on multiple vehicle types so we
can investigate what pairings of relative vehicles sizes work well.
2. Usability Enhancements. These additional user interface features would aid debug-
ging and assist in further development.

2.1. Simulation Visualization Tool. We need a way to animate schedule results
to help verify the simulation visually. Currently the only way to piece together
passenger and vehicle movements is to compare schedule spreadsheets at each
time step and to trace individual travel histories at the end of the simulation.
2.2. Scenario Editor GUI. In concert with developing an output visualization
tool, we’d also want a visual tool for manipulating input data. We currently
define scenarios programmatically.
2.3. LiveCD Packaging. The build and execution environment for this project is
moderately involved with respect to software dependencies. To this end, we could
create a bootable LiveCD based on KNOPPIX that could turn any compatible
PC into a full development and compute node.29
3. Feature Completion. The core simulation engine and modeling language lacks some
important features that prevent this project from achieving nominal functionality and
modeling realism. Implementing the following features would go a long way towards
applying this simulation to practical problems.
3.1. Schedule Optimization State Initialization. The simulation currently has
limited support for initializing the state of a schedule optimization. As discussed
in Section 5.4.3, we currently do not take the trouble to initialize the current
positions of vehicles or existing passengers in the transit network. Adding this in-
ternal transfer of initial data constraints would allow us to update and re-optimize

a continuously evolving scenario, allowing us to achieve a rolling time horizon type
of schedule optimization.
Without this enhancement, we can only run one schedule optimization per sce-
nario with the assumption that the vehicles magically appear where they need
to start, and no new information can affect the execution of the schedule once it
begins to run.
3.2. Monte Carlo Analysis. We currently use a random seed to provide some
entropy in our simulations and create randomized distributions for some input
parameters. This means that to properly conduct an analysis, we’d want to run a
scenario at least 20 times each with a varying random seed, and perform statistical
data reduction on the observed output metrics.
3.3. Constraint Pooling. The system lacks a way to apply capacity constraints to
groups of nodes or links, indicating that they share and block on the same physical
resource. This would allow multiple routes to share common bottlenecks.
Without the ability to apply a single constraint to a group of nodes, each route
linking pairs of nodes would either unintentionally add more capacity between
station nodes, or would not allow one route to make full use of the unused capacity
of other available routes sharing passage through an intended bottleneck.
3.4. Proper Handling of Long Distance Passengers. The objective function is
weighted such that the number of passengers served (objective 1) takes priority
over minimizing the number of segments traveled by all vehicles (objective 4).

Figure 6.1: Constraint Pooling

In turn, objective 2 results in “compression” of the schedule to the left, in order
to complete the schedule as early as possible. The compression is achieved by
rewarding the system for sending passengers to their destinations at earlier times
during the interval under consideration.
If optimization objectives 1 and 4 were of the same magnitude, we could better
balance the conflicting goals between serving passengers at low-volume stations
and keeping vehicles filled with paying passengers. The fleet optimizer could
possibly even refuse to provide service to low-volume stations to increase total
operating efficiency. However, this may also cause high volume routes to become
unprofitable for cases where the cost of a long route exceeds the fixed reward for
sending a passenger to their destination.
To remedy this, we’d need a more sophisticated reward system that would increase
the fare value for long distance travelers. This would involve establishing another
dimension to the set of passenger variables that would help track their starting
point in addition to their final destination. However, this could easily increase the
O3n complexity of the optimization problem to O4n. We could limit the impact
of this additional term by grouping starting nodes together, so we’d end up with
a zone-based pricing system. This would reduce the number of decision variables
introduced into the MIP while still preserving the effect of variable fares.
Since this project’s optimization formulation does not implement a zone-based fare
system, the reward for objective 1 must always exceed the possible cost minimized

in objective 4, such that no passenger will get ignored for being unprofitable.
To ensure this condition holds true, the passenger reward constant must always
be greater than the cost of running a vehicle the diameter of the network by
a comfortable margin. The next section addresses a means by which we could
provide zone-based service.
4. Scalability Enhancements. Once we’ve fully defined the scope of the schedule op-
timizer, we can begin looking for ways to improve its performance. The following
measures will allow us to harness the power of parallel processing to tackle larger
problems in less time.
4.1. Hierarchical Optimization. The current scheduler has problems finding
solutions for more than 8 to 10 station nodes. One way to increase the scalability
of our schedule optimizer would involve breaking up the problem hierarchically
into smaller sets which we can solve in parallel. The structure of our Arcology
model already supports this kind of organization, so we would only have to find a
way to map the stations and segments of the transit network into this hierarchy.
This scheme would work by grouping all of the stations into well interconnected
clusters of no more than a handful of stations each. We’d need to choose an
optimal cluster size that we could solve relatively quickly. E. Christian’s HCPPT
system employs a similar arrangement that optimizes across hexagonal clusters
of 7 regions.13 In our scheme, each cluster of stations will again be grouped
into hexagonal super clusters. Splitting the problem space into this self-similar,

recursive hierarchy of cell clusters ensures that we apply TSP style optimizations
to no more than a handful of nodes at a time to keep computational requirements
within reason.
Optimization will start from the highest level first, and will determine how many
vehicles would need to be exchanged between regional clusters. These regional
fleet schedule numbers will feed down as boundary conditions to the next lower
level in the hierarchy. Now we can solve each sub cluster in parallel, each of
them reading the regional schedule in as constraints for their own local schedule
optimization. In turn, these sub clusters would recursively split into smaller
sub-sub clusters until the schedules they produce finally route vehicles directly
between individual stations. This optimization scheme allows us to reduce the
computation time for a network of n nodes from O3n to n ∗ O3m, where the
constant m represents the cluster size and n is approximately the number of
levels in the hierarchy. The cells at each level could be solved in parallel provided
enough CPU resources were made available.
The catch is that the higher level regional scheduling takes precedence over local
scheduling. On the bright side, this also nicely takes care of the zoned transit
problem discussed in the previous Section ??. However, we must use caution
while rationing out station and vehicle capacity constraints so the higher level
schedules leave some capacity to serve local passengers.
One possible self-similar recursive structure we could use to partition large prob-

lems is a modified heptree. Originally introduced by Bell in 1989,7 it has several
useful properties for our purposes. First of all, the cluster size m = 7 is near the
maximum limit of conveniently computable TSPs. The hexagonal form has also
been chosen for other mass transit optimization works, such as for local pick-up
and delivery in Cristi´
an Cort´
es’ proposed HCPPT network.13 Here, each vertex
serves as a node. Each level of the hierarchy has a slightly different radial orienta-
tion relative to its immediate children, but this does not present a major problem
for our purposes (compared to others who have considered using this structure).28
We would overlay the entire structure top of a triangular grid created with way-
points, the segments of the grid representing possible transit network links. The
distinguishing feature of our structure from conventional heptrees is the additional
padding space that we can place between clusters, as depicted by the white space
in Figures 6.2-b and 6.2-c.
This structure has some interesting properties that gives it some flexibility. First
of all, not all nodes or sub clusters in the hierarchy need be fully populated or
connected, so we can remove elements until we have a reasonable approximation of
local conditions due to geographical or other constraints imposed on development.
Furthermore, the padding between distance between clusters on the same level of
the hierarchy is configurable. We have our clusters separated by 1 segment, but
this could be uniformly be increased to provide more open space separating the
clusters. The padded area might make good undeveloped area to turn into parks,

Counter-clockwise from top left:
(a) Cluster of 7 station nodes
(b) 2 level hierarchy of 49 station nodes
(c) 3 level hierarchy of 343 station nodes
Figure 6.2: Recursive self-similar 2D space-filling Heptree Hierarchy
easements, and greenways. If all transit links crossing these padding areas were
constrained to bridges or tunnels, pedestrians and migratory wildlife would have
free passage across the land via virtually unbroken natural woodlands.
Clusters might be connected to each other in some combination of two different
paradigms. We might enforce hub-and-spoke connectivity, where clusters are
only joined by high capacity arterial lines (represented by the bold lines in Figure
6.2) linking their central hub nodes together. Alternatively, clusters might also
be joined by the fine individual segments of the triangular mesh linking their

adjacent sub-clusters together. Traffic could filter through that lattice in a highly
distributed fashion.
Whether the arborized or reticulated mode of connectivity dominates likely de-
pends on the scale. Clusters at a neighborhood level would likely follow the
hub-and-spoke model, channeling all traffic to a central mass transit station or a
highway on-ramp, limiting through traffic through more restricted access. At a
regional level, we’d want a more fully connected lattice so we could travel directly
toward our destination without going out of our way to transfer at downtown
hub stations. However, at the intraurban level, we’d again expect to see more ar-
borization again as we’d funnel our access through consolidated airports or central
high speed rail stations.
4.2. Optimization Heuristics. Finally, after we’ve ensured that we’ve achieved
all of our desired functionality, we can look into other ways of optimizing compu-
tational time. The fleet schedule optimizer’s work grows exponentially with the
number of nodes, so LP solve reached a scalability limit with merely 8-10 fully-
connected stations. Beyond that, it takes more than 30 minutes for a 1.87Ghz
AMD K7 PC to find any feasible suboptimal solution. Trying CPLEX instead
of LP solve might help here, especially if CPLEX can do better preprocessing to
eliminate variables.
Breaking the problem down into smaller, more manageable chunks would give
us our largest performance boost, but there are still other ways we could trim

decision variables out of the equation. By strategically pruning MIP branches
that provide little performance benefits in comparison to the original algorithms,
we could reduce the number of suboptimal dead ends that the optimization engine
wastes time exploring. We would want to continue to optimize the algorithms until
the scheduler is responsive enough to complete a recovery plan before the next
time step. This would allow the system to react to service disruptions as soon as
Additionally, many of the decision variables in the formulation are zeros. If we can
identify linked pools of variables that are consistently zero, we can prune them
from the formulation completely. While a MIP solver’s presolver should already
do a good job of eliminating many of these extra rows from the problem, we could
possibly cut down a significant fraction of its work and memory footprint.
5. New Modeling Features.
5.1. Holding Pattern Waypoints. Waypoints currently exist to give vehicles and
passengers a state of existence while in transit in between stations. In order to
prevent passengers and vehicles from mixing while they are grouped in the same
waypoint bins, however, we must apply some additional constraints to effectively
prevent mid air passenger transfers between vehicles. The constraints stipulate
that all vehicles and passengers that enter a waypoint during one time step must
continue on to the next waypoint in lockstep. All waypoints are constructed
as part of one-way routes, so there is no possibility of capturing passengers en

To be fair, there have been proposals for improving transit efficiency by docking
moving vehicles together and transferring passengers while in motion.9 So it’s
comforting to know that we could model some of those scenarios by relaxing
However, sometimes we do want to allow vehicles to wait or enter “holding pat-
terns” at waypoints, so they can create a buffer into another constrained resource,
such as an airport runway or gate. This provides additional storage holding ca-
pacity outside of the station which can be put to use to increase network capacity.
Mostly these buffers are used to help deal with uncertainty. Since our scenario
schedules are deterministic, unperturbed by mechanical failures or passengers and
vehicles turning up later than they’re expected, we would gain little by allowing
vehicles to hold at waypoints. Each holding waypoint would also double the
number of decision variables needed to hold the new possible states as vehicles
can decide to hold or proceed with their passenger load. Due to these factors,
waypoint holds have been skipped at this time, but could add a useful modeling
element later.
5.2. Continuous Time Model Definition. Currently a model must be expressed
in synchronous integer time steps in order to work with the optimization for-
mulation. We’d find it quite useful to define a modeling language that allows
us to construct the model with constraints and distances expressed in terms of

continuous time.
We could then use algorithms to convert the continuous model into an integer time
step model. This would likely introduce a lot of rounding and aliasing artifacts,
the effects of which must be quantified and tracked. However, we’d gain the ability
to run the same model at varying temporal granularity. This would allow us to
study and set an optimal time step length that keeps these errors in check, instead
of wasting time manually shoehorning physical models into approximate models
using integer time quanta. This flexibility would greatly help address some of
the issues introduced by the synchronous integer time step paradigm by allowing
us to analyze the same scenario with different timing parameters, observe, and
minimize the aliasing artifacts.
A continuous time modeling language would define capacity constraints in frac-
tional units, such as vehicles per unit time. The ability to adjust the resolution
of time steps allows us to detailed models with fine-grained time steps over an
interval of interest, and solve coarse models much faster. The constraint values
must scale with the time step length, such that double the capacity could pass
through a constrained node in double the time.
Best of all, this continuous time model might allow us to more easily link together
schedules of transit systems that have different paces of operation over different
time intervals. For example, high frequency bus and rail transit could effectively
serve low frequency but higher capacity airplanes or ships at port. This concept

provides a nice segue into the next section, discussing the challenge of coordinating
schedules across modes of transit commanded by different fleet operators. Instead
of a single organization asserting full sovereignty over all vehicles in the system,
we’d want to provide a way to tie together disparate fleets by allowing operators
to cooperate on forming a mutually optimal schedule.
5.3. Multiple Operator Collaboration. A global optimizer that could include
multiple independent operator goals and scheduling constraints certainly isn’t out
of the realm of possibility. A central authority would maintain the global sched-
ule formulation, and might allow participating members to add their own sets
of constraint statements, or even weighted objective functions. This would allow
individual fleet operators to synchronize schedules or even share coverage and bal-
ance loads with other fleets. Additionally, they can insert crew and maintenance
schedules into the global scheduler to allow them to pick up and drop off drivers,
pilots, and other staff at certain locations, or make sure that their vehicles end
up in a certain maintenance bays every so often for refueling and service.
These inputs into the optimization problem can take the form of additional con-
straints. Constraints tend to help reduce the number of branch and bound paths
that the optimizer needs to search to converge on a solution. As long as the solu-
tion remains feasible, expressing these constraints would be the job of the separate
transit fleet organizations. The challenge comes in defining the abstract proto-
cols needed to express these constraints, as they not only would require extensive

knowledge of how the global optimization problem is formulated and solved, but
should also not be too explicit as to preclude changes and updates to the un-
derlying formulation. It is undesirable to have this information format coupled
too closely to the formulation, such as down to the level of variable naming con-
ventions or specific MIP techniques for enforcing certain condition. This lock-in
would make it more difficult to change and upgrade the optimization engine in
the future. We wouldn’t want to force every operator to radically change their
code at the simultaneously every time system needs an incremental upgrade. We
also wouldn’t want a systems upgrade project to fail because of one or two late
development efforts. We want enough abstraction built in so that participants
might make changes at their own pace to take advantage of newly introduced
scheduling and optimization features. The protocol specifying their constraints
needs the ability to “compile” itself from an abstract to an explicit form so it can
translate into both older and new versions of the optimization formulation.
Unfortunately, the design and specification of an abstraction language lies beyond
the scope of this work, but we’ll outline some of its major requirements. Such a
language might allow the businesses to express what additional criteria a generic
schedule optimizer must meet, without “cheating” and taking advantage of direct
and specific knowledge of the optimization formulation and of its variables. A
sophisticated abstraction language processor would have to take the expression
and transform them into equations that relate particular variables to each other

and existing variables in the global problem formulation. This processor would
be nontrivial to implement without a lot of prior experience, and even still could
give way to unexpected errors and behaviors.
A simple, minimalist collaborative scheduler would allow input of operator-specific
crew and vehicle maintenance schedule statements in the form of: “these vehicles
must go off line at this particular station at a particular time step.” This would
imply that the operators determine their maintenance schedules separate from
the globally optimized schedule, and then insert service stops as fixed constraints.
These constraint inputs would be similar to the scheduling interface used to import
legacy systems operating on fixed timetables. The end result of would not be as
optimal compared to a system in which the global scheduler could directly search
for solutions that also fulfilled operator schedule requirements, but at least they
would start closer to an optimal solution. The iterations could proceed as follows:
1. The transit network operator provides the number and current locations of
available vehicles at the beginning of the day
2. The global optimizer takes the customer demands and those initial conditions,
and furnishes the schedule desired of that transit system.
3. The operators manually (or semi-heuristically) tweak the schedule to ensure
that particular vehicles end up in nearby maintenance bays when they’re due.
These get fed back into the global optimization as constraints.
4. The global optimizer finds another solution taking these new constraints into

account, filling in any gaps created in the schedule and hopefully not straying
too far from the original optimal objective function result.
This would let us converge on a schedule somewhat near the optimal one that takes
maintenance factors into account without tying down the program formulation to
a particular implementation of the optimizer. A more sophisticated collaborative
optimization scheme with a more expressive abstraction language would be able
to tell the global scheduler where its maintenance bays were located and how
often each vehicle needs to visit them, allowing the global optimizer to include
fleet maintenance requirements after a single pass of schedule generation.
We’d still need to exercise some discipline to keep the system stable. In a transit
system run by a single operator, the entire problem formulated by one party and
all the input data provided by passenger requests and vehicle locations add con-
straints in a consistent manner – the worst possible outcome caused by injecting
faulty data might be infeasibility. However, by allowing third parties deeper con-
trol of objective functions and constraint statements, we’re opening up the system
to a host of potential pitfalls and vulnerabilities:
• Malformed or even malicious statements could make the problem intractable.
There may be ways to identify some offending statements and automatically
detect and flag them to somehow alert or even filter them out of the calcu-
lations. However, the latter approach could just as well create unpredictable
results by orphaning variables (and thus leaving them unbounded).

• We’d need ownership and permissions on variables to separate the MIP com-
ponents provided by different parties. This would ensure that operators don’t
introduce constraints that could penalize their competitors. This could be
accomplished by prefixing variable names with namespaces and restricting
access to allowed or “safe” variables.
• Operators could attempt to maliciously game the system by reserving excess
capacity for themselves to lock out their competitors. This would be more
difficult to do, since the global optimizer would balance the passenger load
across all fleets.
• Many companies pride themselves on their own optimization capabilities. We
may need a mechanism to protect proprietary information about their busi-
ness strategies revealed in operator’s contributed code. We might allow them
to submit “black box” modules that manage to interact properly with the
rest of the global optimization. An alternative method may be to partition
the problem such that they’re entirely responsible for optimizing their partic-
ular segment of the global calculation, interacting with the rest of the system
through a layer of input and output variables.
Hopefully these considerations have helped articulate why the current incarnation
of this thesis does not address these issues. At the same time, this highlights
some of the exciting possibilities and new market opportunities made available by
cooperatively linking disparate fleets into a cohesive end-to-end transit system.

5.4. Dealing with Unforeseen Events. Uncertainty is the antithesis to care-
ful planning. Unfortunately, we live in an uncertain world, and need to make
contingency plans for when things go wrong. How would the system deal with
unexpected events that crop up during the execution of schedules?
While this thesis project makes no allowance for the possibility of its virtual ve-
hicles getting held up by hail or high water, a practical system should factor in
probabilities and fault trees into the schedule formulation. The optimizer might
try to minimize is the impact of unfavorable events as an objective. Analysis of
historical records can generate probability metrics associated with vehicle failures,
route closures, inclement weather prediction, and so forth. A useful way of rep-
resenting on-time vehicle performance probabilistically is to reconstruct the data
from the cumulative distribution function (CDF) associated with the prediction
as shown in Figure 6.3. This provides a much more useful picture than a simple
mean and standard deviation, since most transit data is skewed towards the right.
It’s much easier to arrive late rather than early. We could quantize the CDF to
reduce MIP formulation complexity, at the cost of adding longer, more conserva-
tive wait time buffers between connections. While complete arrival data should
be monitored and collected, only vehicles arriving after the late arrival cutoff tail
(indicated by the red dashed line) would impact the scheduler and trigger replan.
The trick is to try to minimize the buffer time necessary to keep the schedule
stable. Larger buffers would increase the time wasted waiting. We’re primarily

late arrival time
reschedule necessary
mean arrival time
median arrival time
earliest possible
arrival time
buffer considered
Figure 6.3: Notional CDF of vehicle arrivals vs. transit time, based on historical records
interested in what time the vast majority of the vehicles will arrive, as well as
what hopefully small percentage of late vehicles cause schedule-impacting delays.
We have no fixed “magic percentile” that would determine how much extra buffer
time to schedule to ensure that mostly everyone makes their connections. This
tolerance will likely get set arbitrarily at the beginning, as all of these factors
contribute to an overall “schedule volatility” metric. With the optimizer system,
we can recompute new schedules whenever an unexpected event occurs – such
as when a vehicle is delayed enough to fall onto the tail end of the CDF and
its passengers wind up missing their connections. The optimizer can take that
emerging information into account and simply create a new schedule based on
these new conditions – in this case it would likely divert other vehicles to pick up
the stragglers stranded by the late vehicle. So the risk analysis that determines

how aggressively to schedule extra buffers into the system would depend on how
much impact a schedule recovery plan would have. Planning in large buffers to
reduce the likelihood of major delays means extra wait time for passengers and
more idle time for vehicles in order to ensure that the schedule stays stable. The
ability to drastically reduce these buffers means the whole system could run at a
faster pace. If the cost of recovering from missed connections is low – suppose its
a fixed train route that runs every 5 minutes – then the scheduler can comfortably
deal with smaller buffers and higher schedule volatility. In the case of an airplane
network where flights run between cities maybe once or twice a day, a missed
connection would mean putting people up in hotels or chartering additional make-
up flights. In this case, increased schedule awareness and dynamic optimization
can help by figuring out the total system impact, and balance the cost of holding
flights to allow latecomers to make their connections.
In light of this, we would want to introduce some practical optimization goals
to the list of transit system performance goals discussed in section 3.1.1. This
performance metric would characterize the system’s stability in the face of unex-
pected breakdowns and delays, meaning it would help the scheduler intelligently
create and maintain buffers to deal with uncertainty. How to actually formulate
and compute this enhancement is beyond the scope of this thesis. The optimizer
would likely need to do risk-impact assessments on every combination of missed
connection to identify vehicles with critical path routes. But we do wish to en-

sure that the necessary on-time performance data is collected now, so that future
generations of engineers could tackle this issue.

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